ADS Instant DVD

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The ADS Technologies Instant DVD
also known as the iDVD ADS iDVD ADS iDVD 2.0
ADSTech Instant DVD
ADS Instant DVD 2.0



The encoder performs best at encoding MPEG2 format. The MPEG1 encoding requires tweaking (beyond the interface). The devices is packaged with two encoding software options. Capwiz is the default. For best results, encode at 5mb per sec maximum quality in MPEG2 format.

Where this encoder really shines is in its ability to allow you to create digital backups on Macrovision protected media. Amazingly, many encoding cards and hardware honor Macrovision and refuse to record. The ADS iDVD also called the ADS Instant DVD will completely ignore Macrovision. This little box cheerfully encodes any video source without regards to whatever analog copy protection is present. The ADS Technologies Instant DVD (iDVD) truly takes advantage of the analog hole.

The CapWiz software is not completely stable. It may crash from time to time during use. The preview mode my show audio problems and freezing, but be aware that the encoding process is fine. Even though the video appears choppy in the preview, it is encoding smoothly (as long as you have sufficient processing power).

ADS Technologies seem to have vanished as a company, perhaps they went out of business. The device is a bit raw, but makes an great "last resort" for creating backups of those most difficult to rip DVDs and videos with excessive copy protection. It is always better to rip direct before resorting to exploiting the analog hole.

Ultimately, after some tweaking and learning how to get around the little quirks in the software, the ADS iDVD gets the job done. The quality isn't top notch, but at the highest setting it is tolerable. It would be better of the iDVD box handled the encoding processing with an onboard processor rather than relying heavily on the PC processor. Yet that would probably make it cost considerably more.

  • Record Macrovision protected VHS tapes - Excellent Job, VHS quality is no problem and all VHS tapes recordable.
  • Record Macrovision protected DVD source - Fair quality, gets the job done. Useful for DVDs with unusual encryption.


User Manual / User Guide / Installation Guide

The ADS Technologies web site is either offline, or unreliable. The user guide is available from an alternative source, a site that shares the manual free of charge. Link: ADS Instant DVD User's Manual.

ADS tech support phone number (was) - (562) 926 - 4338.

The unit discussed here is the ADSTech Instant DVD 2.0 Capture Card. Additional information is available on this device at - link: ADSTech Instant DVD 2.0 Capture Card

The previous model is also discussed at - link: ADSTech Instant DVD Capture Card

Quotes from forum, "Do not confuse the IDVD-1 with the IDVD-2. The ver 1 unit was unstable and lots of problems. Ver 2 seems stable and has preformed well" Make sure hard drive is operating at full speed. "install the latest update of the Capture Wizard software,"

There was a guide to tweaking for VCD compatible encoding. It seems to have been lost in time...