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Transceiver Coaxial Cable Selector Switch

95 bytes added, 04:46, 10 December 2016
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Consider the Workman model CX-3 as an example of an antenna selector switch which is barely suitable for its intended purpose.  With a poor HF isolation of 42dB this selector switch is not very efficient at its intended purpose.  It does not ground the unused connectors so if you planned to use it to connect multiple transceivers to a single antenna you risk damaging those transceivers because power from the selected transceiver is going to bleed into the unused transceivers at a level which could do damage.  This would not be a problem at QRP power levels, however, at 100 watts it would be a bad idea.Consider the Workman model CX-3 as an example of an antenna selector switch which is barely suitable for its intended purpose.  With a poor HF isolation of 42dB this selector switch is not very efficient at its intended purpose.  Furthermore, it does not ground the unused connectors.  If you planned to use it to connect multiple transceivers to a single antenna you risk damaging those transceivers because power from the selected transceiver is going to bleed into the unused transceivers.  This would not be a problem at QRP power levels, however, at 100 watts it would be a bad idea.  Although immediate damage may not necessarily occur, over time it would inevitably lead to failure of your radios.