Difference between revisions of "Linux Hardware Information Console Commands"

Admin (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with "lscpu - information about the cpu lshw - detailed and brief information about multiple hardwares including cpu, memory, disk, usb, nic by reading /proc hwinfo - hardware pro...")
Admin (Talk | contribs)
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hdparm - information about sata devices including hard drives
hdparm - information about sata devices including hard drives
udevadm - device manager for the Linux kernel replacing devfsd and hotplug. manages device nodes in the /dev directory

Revision as of 15:07, 13 September 2022

lscpu - information about the cpu

lshw - detailed and brief information about multiple hardwares including cpu, memory, disk, usb, nic by reading /proc

hwinfo - hardware probing utility

lspci - list of pci buses and connected devices

lsscsi - list and details of SCSI and SATA devices

lsusb - USB controllers and info about connected devices

lsblk - bash shell script for hardware info

lnxi - info on hard drive partitions and storage devices

dmidecode - reads DMI tables from SMBOIS data structures

hdparm - information about sata devices including hard drives

udevadm - device manager for the Linux kernel replacing devfsd and hotplug. manages device nodes in the /dev directory

Last modified on 13 September 2022, at 15:07