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| EN21 Area Repeater 146.820 - [http://swiradio.org/ Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio Club] | | EN21 Area Repeater 146.820 - <big>'''Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio Club'''</big> |
| | * This net is held each '''Saturday at 12:00 CST''' on the '''Council Bluffs IA 146.82''' repeater - no PL - open |
| | |
| | Sponsored by: |
| | *Listing information provided by [http://www.w0dbw.com Derek Winterstien W0DBW] Amateur Radio Operator. |
| | *Web space donated as part [http://wiki.robotz.com wiki.robotz.com] - a web based collaborative project. |
| | |
| | Corrections, Comments, Sold Item Report Removal Requests direct to: |
| | * <big>webmaster(at)swiradio.org</big> |
| | |
| | |
| | <big><big>NOTICE: NEW FORMAT. See this week's classifies below. More details on classifieds, fewer net statistics.</big></big> |
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| | <small>Reader feedback has resulted in this format change. The focus now is more on the items rather than statistics of the net.</small> |
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| Ham radio items are offered for sale during this amateur radio net. The net itself is a hybrid of general conversation and commerce. Those with items are generally first on the list when called to speak. What is allowed is the casual sale of ham radio items. Individuals are asked to refrain from offering for sale non-ham related items including C.B., cellular phone, computer and stereo Hi-Fi. An exception would be the sale of a computer containing actual ham radio "hardware" such as an SDR board. ''A computer with only ham logging software is still prohibited.'' Commercial entities such as electronic store owners are not to use the net to advertise trade specific items. | | Ham radio items are offered for sale during this amateur radio net. The net itself is a hybrid of general conversation and commerce. Those with items are generally first on the list when called to speak. What is allowed is the casual sale of ham radio items. Individuals are asked to refrain from offering for sale non-ham related items including C.B., cellular phone, and stereo Hi-Fi. Update on Computers: A computer is allowed if the computer is set up for use with ham radio, including having ham radio software installed. Commercial entities such as electronic store owners are not to use the net to advertise trade specific items. |
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| Repeat offenders to the guidelines will have all listings including listing history removed from the classifieds. Egregious violators will be subject to their transmission recorded and submitted to a Nebraska Section Official Observer. Remember, you as an amateur operator are responsible for knowing the regulations. | | Repeat offenders to the guidelines will have all listings including listing history removed from the classifieds. Egregious violators will be subject to their transmission recorded and submitted to a Nebraska Section Official Observer. Remember, you as an amateur operator are responsible for knowing the regulations. |
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| T h e S w a p - N e t L e g a c y
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| Although Rich (wa0zqg) did not launch the SWIARC Saturday Noon Swapnet, he is the driving force that has kept it running for many years now. Thank you Rich!
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| |} | | |} |
| Keep up with what's for sale on the SWIARC Classified. All items from the noon swap net are listed here for your convenience. ''You may have to clear browser cache or reload to view the latest items added to this list.''
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| TIP TO SELLERS OR THOSE SEEKING CONTACT: Just saying "''I'm good on QRZ''" does not serve you well. You should want to make it '''EASY''' and '''EFFICIENT''' for interested parties to contact you. It is '''RECOMMENDED''' (but not required) that you provide a '''telephone number''' and email address or as a substitute for email you can use the QRZ idiom. ''However, if you truly want to be contacted only by message in a bottle or via carrier pigeon, we will be happy to oblige.'' | | TIP TO SELLERS OR THOSE SEEKING CONTACT: Just saying "''I'm good on QRZ''" does not serve you well. You should want to make it '''EASY''' and '''EFFICIENT''' for interested parties to contact you. It is '''RECOMMENDED''' (but not required) that you provide a '''telephone number''' and email address or as a substitute for email you can use the QRZ idiom. ''However, if you truly want to be contacted only by message in a bottle or via carrier pigeon, we will be happy to oblige.'' |
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| ===Saturday, July 22, 2017===
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| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (14 checkins)
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| wa0zqg Rich
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| wa0zqg Rich
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| wa0zqg Rich
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| wa0zqg Rich
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| wa0zqg Rich
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| wa0zqg Rich
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| | {| class="wikitable" |
| | |+<big><big><big>THIS WEEK: </big></big></big><BR> |
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| ===Saturday, July 15, 2017===
| | '''Saturday, April 13, 2019''' |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (12 checkins)
| |
| ke0lol Albert duplexer/splitter to allow for a separate 2m and 440 antenna to be connected to a mobile rig
| |
| having only a single so239 on back, ph: 712-318-0603 email: ghostengineer219@outlook.com
| |
| wa0zqg Rich RadioShack Pro-94 HF/VHF/UHF receiver/scanner w bat and chgr wa0zqg@hotmail.com (712) 314-4810
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| ===Saturday, July 8, 2007===
| | ---- |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (9 checkins)
| |
| ke0lol Albert hf tripod, hustler mast and 40m 20m 15m 10m hustler resonators $300 OBO, (2) Motorola XTS3000
| |
| bat, chrgr $80, TYT TH9000D 2M mob $70, ph: 712-318-0603 email: ghostengineer219@outlook.com
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, July 1, 2017===
| | K0OQL has the following items for sale and wanted: |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (15 checkins)
| | #FOR SALE: [https://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/hammulti/ft290rii.html Yaesu FT-790RII MultiMode] Portable xceiver $175 |
| n0jsb Dave Cushcraft 214b 15ft 2m beam (x2) + phasing harness $100 pair, smaller 3el 2m beam
| | #WANTED: Bird 43 slugs |
| ph: (402) 571-8915
| | *Contact Joel K0OQL by phone (402) 203-4494 |
| kd0nme George Open cell lead batteries T105-105Ah 6v put 2 in series for 12v, cables included, 65lbs
| |
| weight $35 for the pair, kit transistor tester model M8 NIB, 2 Triplett brand
| |
| panel meters 2¼" size DC 0-200mA and 0-150V, email: geonjod(at)icloud.com
| |
| aa0uu Ken <del>Yaesu FTM-100R, (see previous weeks...), email aa0uu@arrl.net or ph (402) 676-9234</del>
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, June 24, 2017===
| | Dale in Wiota Ia has the following items for sale: |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (19 checkins)
| | #Ameritron AL 811h + 4 extra tubes $676 |
| * no items * (ARRL Field Day)
| | *Contact Dale by phone (417) 312-1482 |
| |
| ===Saturday, June 17, 2017===
| | KD0FJR is looking for the following items: |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (13 checkins) | | #Needs a PL259 90 degree elbow and Anderson PP connectors |
| kd0nme George kit transistor tester model M8 NIB, email: geonjod(at)icloud.com
| | *Contact Bill by email kd0fjr(at)outlook.com |
| aa0uu Ken <del>Yaesu FTM-100R mobile 2M/440cm+C4FM w box and in exc cond also will include a 5/8</del>
| |
| <del>wave dual band mag mnt antenna $270, email aa0uu@arrl.net or ph (402) 676-9234</del>
| |
| kc0mux Robert BX40 tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast $325, Ameritron amp 811h $600, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, June 10, 2017===
| | </big></big> |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (12 checkins)
| | |} |
| k0oql Joel wanted: Hustler BM1 Bumper Mount w 3/8" stud, ph (402) 203-4494
| |
| kd0fjr Bill free antenna poles and stands homebrew billsnyder06(at)msn.com or ph: (402) 203-3140
| |
| ke0lol Albert <del>Solarcon 10m antenna,</del> Kenwood 78A HT w 3 batteries and drop in charger $80, Hustler
| |
| 5BTV 5-Band HF Vertical Antenna $50, ph: 712-318-0603 email: see QRZ
| |
| w0dbw Derek Icom IC-746 HF,6M, and 2M all mode. It operates perfectly in SSB. AM/FM needs fix.
| |
| selling for 1/2 price only $350 - make offer call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
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| ===Saturday, June 3, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (13 checkins)
| |
| k0nhv Nick Radio Shack PSUs (see previous weeks...), call (402) 505-2169
| |
| kd0fjr Bill free antenna poles and stands homebrew billsnyder06(at)msn.com or ph: (402) 203-3140
| |
| kc0mux Robert 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast $325, Ameritron amp 811h $600,
| |
| <del>cushcraft 2m 13 element beam $70</del>, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
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| ===Saturday, May 27, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (5 checkins)
| |
| k0nhv Nick Radio Shack PSUs (see previous weeks...), call (402) 505-2169
| |
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| ===Saturday, May 20, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (11 checkins)
| |
| kc0sar Dan Drake xceivers tr-4c SSB/Am 10-80 150w w manual, matching remote vfo, PSU, and mic
| |
| ph: (402) 331-8323
| |
| k0oql Joel Kenwood TM741 Triband 2/220/440 $325, Kenwood TM631 2/220 PL $125, ph (402) 203-4494
| |
| n0oru Steve wanted: Kenwood 7950 nonworking for parts, n0oru(at)arrl.net or ph (712) 250-0600
| |
| ke0ihj Eric wanted: Motorola Radius mic, M120 programming cable, and 70cm xceiver, ph: (712) 212-3879
| |
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| ===Saturday, May 13, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (9 checkins)
| |
| kb0qkh John Bird 612 Termaline wattmeter $125, Wavetek 2100 Service Monitor $325, 3500mAh 12v
| |
| batteries, kb0qkh(at)yahoo.com, ph: (712) 325-0446
| |
| k0nhv Nick Radio Shack PSUs (see previous weeks...), call (402) 505-2169
| |
| w0af Don <del>Estate items: Icom 746 HF/6 100w Transceiver, Astron rs35, Astron rs70, Misc items,</del>
| |
| <del>no prices given, Talk to Kathy or Liz, ph: (402) 218-6499, (402) 616-8842</del>
| |
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| ===Saturday, May 6, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (12 checkins)
| |
| k0nhv Nick Radio Shack Switching PSUs 19a 13.8v $40ea, call (402) 505-2169
| |
| kb0uwr Art wanted: dual band mobile transceiver 2m/440 call (712) 527-4476 or email artfully2(at)icloud.com
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, April 29, 2017=== | | {| class="wikitable" |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (8 checkins)
| | |+<big><big>previous: </big></big><BR> |
| wb0m Jeff Bencher BY-1 Iambic paddle for cw $55, email: wb0m(at)arrl.net
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| ===Saturday, April 22, 2017===
| | Saturday, February 16, 2019 |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (7 checkins)
| |
| ke0lol Albert <del>Yaesu FT-1000MP -w- PSU + mic ex cond $1500, ph: 402-332-1588 email: see QRZ</del>
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, April 15, 2017===
| | N0DZV has the following items for sale: |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (12 checkins)
| | #Kenwood ts-120 HF transceiver w AT-130 tuner and mc35s mic $260 |
| k0oql Joel for sale: Icom AH7000 discone antenna 25 to 1300 MHz assembled like new $75, Antennacraft ST2
| | *Contact N0DZV by SMS text to (402) 669-1289 or by email n0dzv(at)yahoo.com |
| wide band Scanner Antenna NIB $175. wanted: small server rack cabinet 4' tall or less w
| |
| front and back mount rail, call (402) 203-4494
| |
| w0rje Bob Icom ic-746 HF/6M/2M all mode and matching PSU w mic $650, ph: (402) 730-0170 or email
| |
| w0rje(at)yahoo.com
| |
| kd0fjr Bill free antenna poles (see previous weeks...)
| |
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| ===Saturday, April 8, 2017===
| | Saturday, February 9, 2019 |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (6 checkins)
| |
| wd0cfc Gary Tektronix 495P Spectrum Analyzer, 100 Hz - 1.8 GHz for radio service, cable TV, ham,
| |
| computer and network excellent condition $1500, <del>Icom ic-756 Pro III 100w Excellent</del>
| |
| <del>condition $1400,</del> Icom ic-746 HF/6M/2M all mode w all 3 filters and does 2M SSB $700
| |
| Hygain Tail Twister 2 heavy duty rotor w control box 8 wire working, $400
| |
| prices are negotiable, ph: (402) 297-4406 or email wd0cfc(at)gmail.com
| |
| w0dbw Derek Kenwood tm-241a 2M mobile aligned and excellent condition. call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, April 1, 2017===
| | Phil KC0QDG has the following items for sale: |
| * Net Control: Bill kd0fjr (7 checkins) | | #Drake WM7 meter $50 |
| * no items *
| | #Yaesu FR-101 receiver $200 |
| | *Contact Phil KC0QDG by phone (402) 490-2168 or QRZ |
| |
| ===Saturday, March 25, 2017===
| | Steve N0ORU has the following items for sale: |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (12 checkins)
| | #Alinco DR-110 2M mobile 50w $50 |
| kd0fjr Bill free antenna poles (see previous weeks...)
| | #Icom ic-2100h 60w 2-meter mobile $90 |
| n0snw Rob <del>Uniden HomePatrol-1 digital analog trunk tracking scanner $150,</del>
| | *Contact Steve N0ORU by email n0oru(at)arrl.net |
| <del>Yaesu VX7r black model HT w good bat plus cables $50. Arrow brand 6-meter dipole</del>
| |
| <del>antenna $30, email n0snw@yahoo.com</del>
| |
| wd0cfc Gary Icom ic-745 HF SSB CW 100w Excellent Cond $355, Icom ic-746 HF/6M/2M all mode
| |
| w all 3 filters and does 2M SSB $700, <del>Ameritron ALS-1300 Solid State Amp $1800</del>
| |
| prices are negotiable, ph: (402) 297-4406 or email wd0cfc(at)gmail.com
| |
| kc0mux Robert 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast $325, Ameritron amp 811h $600,
| |
| <del>cushcraft vhf 13 el beams (2) $130 pair or $70ea</del>, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, March 18, 2017===
| | John WB0CMC has the following items for sale: |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (12 checkins)
| | #Sony parts camera DCX1010 w good zoom lense + case for ATV $MO |
| kd0fjr Bill free antenna poles and stands homebrew billsnyder06(at)msn.com or ph: (402) 203-3140
| | #GE High-Volt/6000v 14μF Oil Filled Caps $50/ea |
| w0dbw Derek <del>Ameritron ALS-1300 near legal limit amplifier with match psu excellent cond $1750 OBO</del>
| | #Complete ATV receive system+monitor $50 |
| <del>Icom ic-756 Pro III HF/6m competition class transceiver excellent cond $1400 OBO</del>
| | #more at his QTH |
| <del>MFJ-998 intellituner 1500 watt tuner $350 OBO, make offer call or txt (402) 403-9662</del>
| | *Contact John WB0CMC by email wb0cmc(at)cox.net |
| aa0uu Ken end fed antenna myantennas.com efhw-4010 ½wave on 40 $90, email aa0uu@arrl.net
| |
| kd0nme George Open cell lead batteries T105-105Ah 6v put 2 in series for 12v, cables included, 65lbs
| |
| weight $40 for the pair, email: geonjod(at)icloud.com
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, March 11, 2017===
| | Al K3NE has the following items for sale: |
| * Net Control: Bill kd0fjr (12 checkins) | | #PalStar AT1500CV Antenna Tuner w roller inductor 1500 Watt $250 |
| kd0fjr Bill free antenna poles and stands homebrew billsnyder06(at)msn.com or ph: (402) 203-3140
| | *Contact Al K3NE by email k3ne(at)usa.com |
| ke0lol Albert <del>Yaesu FC-10 auto-tuner 180-6 $250, ph: 402-332-1588</del>
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, March 4, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Brandon kc0usm (8 checkins)
| |
| k0oql Joel Kenwood TM-631A 2m/1.25M $125, ph: (402) 203-4494
| |
| ke0lol Albert TYT TH9000D 2m/440, mic, prog cable $80, ph: 402-332-1588
| |
| wa0zqg Rich MAGELLAN 3.5 GPS w/car charger, shows elevation +/- 50' depending on when you look at it.
| |
| clr screen, talks, displays time, used, works good except on new streets $20,
| |
| ph: Rich (712) 256.7774
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, February 25, 2017===
| | |} |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (14 checkins)
| |
| kd0nme George Open cell lead batteries T105-100Ah 6v put 2 in series for 12v, cables included, 65lbs
| |
| reduced price, $40 for both batteries, <del>G5RV MFJ HF Antenna NIB $40</del>
| |
| email: geonjod(at)icloud.com
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| | |
| ===Saturday, February 18, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Bill kd0fjr (7 checkins)
| |
| wd0cfc Gary Astron rs35 PSU $80, <del>Icom ic756pro3 HF/6 $1500,</del> MFJ Versatuner 2 300w $70,
| |
| <del>Ameritron ALS-1300 Legal Limit Solid State Amp $1800</del>
| |
| prices are negotiable, ph: (402) 297-4406 or email wd0cfc(at)gmail.com
| |
| w0kdc Ken <del>Just the MD100 Yaesu Mic left, (see previous week...), email: see QRZ</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, February 11, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (17 checkins)
| |
| w0kdc Ken <del>2 rigs and a mic (see previous week...), email: see QRZ</del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek dentron antenna tuner JR Monitor coax balanced and long wire $120 OBO. call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hygain Hytower $350</del>, 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast, <del>rotor $350,</del>
| |
| Ameritron amp 811h $600, <del>cushcraft vhf 13 el beams (2) $130 pair or $70ea,</del> ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, February 4, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (16 checkins)
| |
| w0dbw Derek <del>Alinco DX-70T HF and 6m mobile 100w/10w works good minor cosmetic ph: (402) 403-9662</del>
| |
| wd0cfc Gary Astron rs35 PSU $80, rig interface rigblaster pro $125, heathkit sd221 amp 3-500 tubes $700
| |
| prices are negotiable, ph: (402) 297-4406 or email wd0cfc(at)gmail.com
| |
| kd0nme George Open cell lead batteries T105-105Ah 6v put 2 in series for 12v, cables included, 65lbs
| |
| weight $40 ea, <del>also has g5rv antenna for $50</del>, email: geonjod(at)icloud.com
| |
| George will also provide info on a classic Atlas 215X HF rig his friend has for sale.
| |
| w0kdc Ken <del>2 rigs and a mic (see previous week...), email: see QRZ</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, January 28, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (13 checkins)
| |
| w0kdc Ken <del>Yaesu FT-450D 100W HF/6M Base w box,manual $550, Yaesu desk mic MD100 $75, Yaesu FT-7900</del>
| |
| <del>dual band w/o bracket $180 OBO</del>, email: see QRZ
| |
| k0amd Tom Complete station and antenna: Icom IC‑7100 Mobile Radio, HF/6m/2m/70cm, 180 tuner,
| |
| SW30 mic, Comet GP-1 Antenna $1150, email tem494(at)gmail.com
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, January 21, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (10 checkins)
| |
| kc0qdg Phil Icom 751a Excellent cond w mic manual $900 ph: use qrz email or (402) 490-2168
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, January 14, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Bill kd0fjr (9 checkins)
| |
| wb0m Jeff Bencher Iambic paddle for cw, email: wb0m(at)arrl.net
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, January 7, 2017===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (12 checkins)
| |
| ke0fji Bryce Yaesu FT-720RU $BO, Realistic DX-160 $75 OBO, Cushcraft TEN-3 10 Meter Yagi $150 OBO,
| |
| President HR2600 10-meter HF $75, and many estate items, including Tempo HTs,
| |
| 250ft RG/58, Unspecificied Belden cable, Yaesu FT-7200, more, email: ke0fji@gmail.com
| |
| w0dbw Derek wanted: iambic key/paddles high end like Jones Key, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| | |
| == SWIARC SWAP-NET CLASSIFIED: 2016 (archived)==
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| <small><small>
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| ===Saturday, December 31, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (12 checkins)
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>still have the Cushcraft beam for trade, (''see previous week...'')</del>
| |
| wb0gxd Paul icom 765hf (''see September 3...'') ph: (712) 325-0862 or wb0gxd(at)gmail.com
| |
| ad0qh Russ <del>220 Larson mobile antennas w LM mount not NMO, ph: (402) 810-1253</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, December 24, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (12 checkins)
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>Icom PS-125 switching PSU 25A $130, Icom IC-2300H 144MHz mobile $95,</del>
| |
| <del>giving away Kenwood ST2 charger, Bearcat 210 Scanner (both free),</del>
| |
| Cushcraft A13B2 2-M YAGI 13 el beam will trade for a 2m/440 vertical antenna.
| |
| ph: use qrz email or (402) 490-2168.
| |
| kb0uwr Art wanted items see previous weeks.
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, December 17, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (13 checkins)
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>wanted: 2m/440cm mobile for under $100 ph: use qrz email or (402) 490-2168.</del>
| |
| <del>have some belden 9913 or a Cushcraft A13B2 2-M, YAGI, 13 el beam will trade for radio.</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, December 10, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (9 checkins)
| |
| kb0uwr Art wanted: Icom ID-5100 transceiver 2m/440 dual band mobile w D-Star.
| |
| call (712) 527-4476 or email artfully2(at)icloud.com
| |
| kd0nme George Open cell lead batteries T105-105mAh 6v put 2 in series for 12v, cables included, 65lbs weight
| |
| $25 ea or $45 pair, email: geonjod(at)icloud.com
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hygain Hytower $350</del>, 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast, <del>rotor $350,</del>
| |
| <del>Wouxun HT Radio KG-UV2D $50</del>, cushcraft vhf 13 el beams (2) $130 pair, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| wb0cmc John 160 watt Mirage 2m Amp 10in-> 160out w PSU, John is also trying to liquidate other ham
| |
| radio gear, contact for more info, email: wb0cmc(at)cox.net
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, December 3, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (15 checkins)
| |
| k0oql Joel KDK 2m mobile $25, Kenwood TH-22AT no battery $20, Kenwood TM-631A 2m/1.25M and Ringo
| |
| Ranger Antenna both $150, BCD 396T Scanner $125, ph: (402) 203-4494
| |
| kd0fjr Bill 19" 2m nmo antenna fender mnt + 9ft cable $15, rs 2m amp 5in 30out $30,
| |
| billsnyder06(at)msn.com or ph: (402) 203-3140
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>wanted: 2m mobile for under $100 ph: use qrz email or (402) 490-2168.</del>
| |
| n0oru Steve <del>(3) HTs Icom IC02,03,04 2m,220,440 tone and 2 batteries $80 for all 3, Yaesu FT2500M 2m mobile</del>
| |
| <del>$70, Icom ic2100 $70, Yaesu ft840 HF rig $300, n0oru(at)arrl.net or ph (712) 250-0600</del>
| |
| kc0fan Mike Icom 880h 2m/70cm D-star mobile $200, kc0fan(at)gmail.com, ph: (402) 301-2465
| |
| w0dbw Derek MFJ-921 Antenna tuner 2m and 1.25m "black" for $72, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, November 26, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (10 checkins)
| |
| |
| wa0zqg Rich Astron vs-35 variable PSU w amp and volt meters. $100 email: wa0zqg(at)hotmail.com
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, November 19, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (10 checkins)
| |
| kb0uwr Art wanted: Icom ID-5100 transceiver 2m/440 dual band mobile w D-Star.
| |
| call (712) 527-4476 or email artfully2(at)icloud.com
| |
| wd0cfc Gary selling: <del>Palstar AT-Auto 1500 antenna tuner $700, Icom 706 Mk2G $700, Icom ic756 Pro 3 $1500,</del>
| |
| <del>Rigblaster Pro $100, MFJ 998 auto tuner $400</del>
| |
| prices are negotiable, ph: (402) 297-4406 or email wd0cfc(at)gmail.com
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, November 12, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (12 checkins)
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hygain Hytower $350</del>, 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast, <del>rotor $350,</del>
| |
| Ameritron amp 811h $600, cushcraft vhf 13 el beams (2) $130 pair, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| wd0cfc Gary <del>Icom 706 Mk2G $700</del>, Astron rs35m $100, MFJ Versa Tuner II 949c $75
| |
| prices are negotiable, ph: (402) 297-4406 or email wd0cfc(at)gmail.com
| |
| w0dbw Derek MFJ-267 Dummy Load/Watt Meter up to 1500 watts $145, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| n0jsb Dave <del>ham radio lot: Icom ic745, 2 Dentron tuners, Astron rs35, heathkit code osc, hygain 2m beam, mjf260c</del>
| |
| <del>freq meter, desk mic, wire antenna and more buy the lot for $500 (402) 571-5537</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, November 5, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (14 checkins)
| |
| w0dbw Derek KENWOOD TK-880H part 90 radio. 40 to 50W output on UHF. <del>$125, TYT MD380 MotoTRBO w DMR scanner</del>
| |
| <del>hacked firmware scans all talk groups and calls $145</del>, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, October 29, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (11 checkins)
| |
| * no items *
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, October 22, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (7 checkins)
| |
| swiradio CLUB <del>VGA capable projector and computer with USB to borrow for DMR presentation Thursday</del>
| |
| <del>Oct 27 at 7pm contact Greg or Bill</del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek Dentron antenna tuner JR Monitor coax balanced and long wire $89.
| |
| call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, October 15, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg / Derek w0dbw (12 checkins)
| |
| w0kdc Ken wanted: remote long wire antenna relay, ken51501(at)me.com
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hytower vertical HF antenna</del>, BX tower, VHF beams (see September 10...) ph: (712) 314-8830
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, October 08, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (14 checkins)
| |
| wd0gxd Paul Icom 765hf (see September 3...) (712) 325-0862
| |
| wa0zqg Rich Astron vs-35 variable PSU w amp and volt meters. $95 email: wa0zqg(at)hotmail.com
| |
| wb0cmc John (2) homebrew ferroresonant power Supplies voltage regulated 40amp $100 OBO
| |
| 35amp $75 OBO, email wb0cmc(at)cox.net
| |
| w0kdc ken wanted: coax switch, no specifics. contact via qrz.com
| |
| kd0fjr Bill wanted: Yaesu mh-4b microphone for mobile, ph: (402) 203-3140
| |
| wb0m Jeff Icom IC-756 Pro III HF/50MHz All Mode Transceiver dual watch w roofing filter $1900
| |
| Icom AH-4 remote automatic antenna tuner waterproof outdoor $make offer
| |
| email: wb0m(at)arrl.net ph: (402) 679-7037
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hytower vertical HF antenna,</del> BX tower, VHF beams (see September 10...) ph: (712) 314-8830
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, October 01, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (12 checkins)
| |
| kb0tkz Ryan Icom ic-718 w box and mic $475, contact via qrz.com
| |
| kd0fjr Bill mls200-m10 speaker needed, for sale: 19" 2m nmo antenna fender mnt + 9ft cable $15,
| |
| <del>rs 2m amp 5in 30out $30,</del> billsnyder06(at)msn.com or ph: (402) 203-3140
| |
| w0dbw Derek MFJ-921 Antenna tuner 2m and 1.25m. (see previous week...), call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| kc0tdz Bruce wanted: battery case bp216 for Icom t90a ht ph: (712) 828-0135
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, September 24, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (11 checkins)
| |
| wb0gxd Paul icom 765hf (''see September 3...'') (712) 325-0862
| |
| w0dbw Derek MFJ-921 Antenna tuner 2m and 1.25m. $72 OBO, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>Drake MN-4 Ant Tuner excel condit -w- manual $200, and items (''see Sept 17...'')</del>
| |
| <del>ph: (402) 490-2168</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, September 17, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg / Derek w0dbw (16 checkins)
| |
| k0oql Joel Icom id 880h dual band mobile dstar $200, kenwood tm631a 2m/220 dual $120,
| |
| wanted: rectifier diode for Astron rs35. ph: (402) 203-4494
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>Icom 746 w minor issues $400, clean Drake R-4C and Drake T-4XC $425 w/o speaker</del>
| |
| <del>The R-4C has its own PSU. ph: (402) 490-2168</del>
| |
| kc0mux Robert misc items (see previous weeks...)
| |
| kc0fan Mike <del>Icom 880h 2m/70cm D-star mobile $225, kc0fan(at)gmail.com, ph: (402) 301-2465</del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek Dentron antenna tuner JR Monitor coax balanced and long wire $99.
| |
| call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, September 10, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Brandon kc0usm (13 checkins)
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hygain Hytower $350</del>, 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast, <del>rotor $350,</del>
| |
| ameritron amp 811h $600, cushcraft vhf 13 el beams (2) $130 pair, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, September 03, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (13 checkins)
| |
| wb0gxd Paul icom 765hf 100w w aux cable and built in ant tuner $600 (712) 325-0862
| |
| <del>antenna tuner may have problem.</del>(''repaired'')
| |
| n0oru Steve <del>yaesu memorizer 2m mobile $40, btech triband mobile $120, tm642a kenwood w 440 module $350,</del>
| |
| <del>alinco dr605 bad speaker $90, alinco dr590 2m/440 $90, heathkit hw101 hf $150,</del>
| |
| <del>heathkit ??104a 6m $150, 3ft tv ant tripod $18 new, ph (712) 250-0600</del>
| |
| kc0mux Robert <del>Hygain Hytower $350</del>, 5 sections of BX tower w tilt over and heavy duty mast, <del>rotor $350,</del>
| |
| ameritron amp 811h $600, cushcraft vhf 13 el beams (2) $75/ea, ph (712) 314-8830
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, August 27, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (12 checkins)
| |
| w0dbw Derek dentron antenna tuner $120 OBO (''see previous weeks...'')
| |
| wd0cfc Gary Hammerland HQ-100 w speaker $100 OBO, Misc Tubes New Old Stock $5ea tested, Sencore mighty mite
| |
| tube tester $50, Halicrafter HT-40 A+ condition $75, Heathkit AT-1 $60, OBO on everything
| |
| text or call (402) 297-4406
| |
| n0oru Steve <del>btech/bafeng uv-2501+220 25w 20 on 220 20 on 440 $120, kenwood ts642 triband radio ??$</del>
| |
| <del>(712) 250-0600</del>
| |
| | |
| ===Saturday, August 20, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (7 checkins)
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>misc items (''see previous weeks...'')</del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek dentron antenna tuner $120 OBO (''see previous weeks...'')
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, August 13, 2016===
| | ---- |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (14 checkins)
| | ---- |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>palomar engineers paddle keyer $30, speed x straight key $20, mfj code oscillator cto555 $10, </del>
| |
| <del>(2) d104 microphones $40/ea, rs htx-202 2m ht w mic and clip $20, kenwood tr7400a 2m $40, </del>
| |
| <del>tv cde antenna rotator cntrl box $1, drake t4xc and r4c excellent cond both for $525</del>
| |
| <del>ph: (402) 490-2168</del>
| |
| kc0fan Mike <del>icom 880h 2m/70cm d-star mobile $225, 2 drake low pass filters $5/pair</del>
| |
| <del>kc0fan(at)gmail.com, ph: (402) 301-2465</del>
| |
| kb0qkh John bird 612 thruline wattmeter $200
| |
| kb0qkh(at)yahoo.com, ph: (712) 325-0446
| |
| w0dbw Derek dentron antenna tuner $120 OBO (''see previous weeks...'')
| |
| kd0fjr Bill wanted: 1.25m ht (''see previous weeks...'')
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, August 06, 2016===
| | older listings/items removed. |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (11 checkins)
| |
| k0oql Joel icom ic880h 2m/440 dstar $225, kenwood tm-631a 2m 220 dual band mobile 50w/25w $200
| |
| cushraft 220 ringo $35, larson 220 5/8 mobile mag mount $50, custcraft 2m ringo $35
| |
| call (402) 203-4494
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>2 heathkit VFOs $50 pair. qrz email or ph: (402) 490-2168. also has Swan 350 with psu (make offer)</del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek dentron antenna tuner JR Monitor coax balanced and long wire $120 OBO. call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, July 30, 2016===
| |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (10 checkins)
| |
| k0nhv Nick <del>2 baofeng ht batteries. unused. BL-5. UV5R compatible. $5.00/both 402-505-2169</del> (sold)
| |
| kc0mux Robert rohn BX40 tower and yaesu rotor both in good condition, package deal $400, (712) 314-8830
| |
| kd0fjr Bill wanted: 1.25m 222Mhz band HT capable of PL/CTCSS, prefer at least 4-5w to hit repeater from
| |
| apartment (402) 203-3140 or email kd0fjr(at)outlook.com
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, July 23, 2016===
| | ---- |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (12 checkins)
| |
| k0oql Joel kenwood ct-22at 2m $20 bad battery, icom w2a 2m/440 $30 bad battery, wanted: fusion capable radio
| |
| (402) 203-4494
| |
| wa0zqg Rich <del>yaseu ft100 $499</del>
| |
| kc0sar Dan two drake xceivers tr-4 and tr-4c SSB/Am 10-80 150w w manual, matching remote vfo and mic for both
| |
| (402) 331-8323
| |
| wb0gxd Paul icom 765 solid state HF rig 100w out, mains only $600, (712) 325-0862
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, July 16, 2016===
| | ---- |
| * Net Control: Rich wa0zqg (11 checkins)
| | <big>Maybe I missed your classified!</big> It's possible as I don't get much help in doing this. Simply send me an email and I will be sure to post your ham radio related items on the classifieds list here. webmaster(at)swiradio.org <BR> |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>astatic D-104 mic best offer, 2 heathkit VFOs $70 pair. cushcraft ar270 2/440 $30. </del>
| | <small>Items must comply with FCC and repeater specific rules. Items must be previously mentioned during on-air SWIARC radio Swap-Net. Valid contact information required. </small> |
| <del>qrz email or ph: (402) 490-2168. also has Swan 350 with psu (make offer)</del>
| |
| wa0zqg Rich <del>yaesu ft-100 all mode all band for sale ft-100 $499 </del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek KENWOOD TK-880H part 90 radio. 40 to 50W output on UHF. $125 OBO, MFJ-921 Antenna tuner 2m | |
| and 1.25m. $78 OBO, call or txt (402) 403-9662 (''added OBO/or best offer'')
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, July 09, 2016===
| | ---- |
| * Net Control: Derek w0dbw (11 checkins)
| |
| kc0qdg Phil <del>5 collectible mics, see callsign on qrz, shure 70h 55, 520sl, estaic jt-30 another shure mic $400.</del>
| |
| <del>2 heathkit VFOs $70 pair. cushcraft ar270 2/440 $35. wanted, Kenwood TH-22AT charger.</del>
| |
| <del>contact: use qrz email -or- (402) 490-2168.</del>
| |
| w0dbw Derek KENWOOD TK-880H part 90 radio. 40 to 50W output on UHF. $125 OBO, MFJ-921 Antenna tuner 2m
| |
| and 1.25m. $78 OBO, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| |
| ===Saturday, July 02, 2016===
| | ---- |
| * Net Control: Norm wa0jyd (12 checkins)
| |
| k0nhv Nick <del>n8xjk boost voltage regulator 30amp $100 (402) 505-2169</del>
| |
| k0oql Joel icom id800 2m/440 & dstar $200, bcd396t ht scanner $175, kenwood at230 tuner $125 (402) 203-4494
| |
| w0dbw Derek KENWOOD TK-880H part 90 radio. 40 to 50W output on UHF. $125, MFJ-921 Antenna tuner 2m and 1.25m.
| |
| $78, call or txt (402) 403-9662
| |
| kd0nme George 2 baofeng UV3 HT w chgr and spare bat $25 each. contact on repeater
| |
| |
| </small></small>
| |
| | Question: Why the (at) instead of @ in our email address?<BR> |
| | Answer: So you don't get as much spam. You're welcome! It's a compromise, it won't stop all harvesting but it is less likely to confuse than other methods. |
| |
| '''Visit the [http://swiradio.org/ Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio Club] web site.'''
| | <small><small>keywords: swapnet swap-net classifieds swiarc saturdaynet</small></small> |