Aksarben Amateur Radio Club

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The largest and perhaps the oldest Amateur Radio club in the Omaha Nebraska Area. Aksarben ARC is a non-profit organization dedicated to ham radio. The club meeting location is in the American Red Cross building in the southern part of Omaha Nebraska.

Aksarben ARC has the following Internet presence media:

Internet web site: www.aksarbenarc.org


Repeater ID: K0USA

Frequency: operates on 146.94 with an input on 146.34 (-0.6 MHz) no CTCSS / PL tone required

Location: Douglas County Nebraska

Features: Analog FM, Voter system with two receive locations, one at the transmit site

Contact Info:

Coverage Area: East Central Nebraska and West Central Iowa

Meetings and Events

The AARC holds monthly meetings on the second Friday of each month. Meetings are held at the Heartland Chapterhouse of the American Red Cross 2912 S 80th Ave, in Omaha.

Community Service

The AARC supports the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and encourages members participation in the Douglas County ARES organization. Douglas County ARES has a working relationship with Douglas County, Nebraska Douglas County Emergency Management Agency, the Omaha Metro Medical Response System (OMMRS). ARES members are trained weather spotters under the National Weather Service’s SKYWARN Program. The AARC hosts ARES Activities on the club’s KØUSA 146.940 repeater. Douglas County ARES holds weekly training and information nets on Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. using the KØUSA Repeater.

Volunteers also assist with local parades, security, and radio communications in the area.

After the 1975 tornado Omaha built a new emergency operations center. Because of the critical role that the Ak-Sar-Ben Amateur Radio Club played in the response to the disaster, the club was awarded a $10,000 grant from the City of Omaha to outfit a communications room with amateur radio equipment.

Club History

Officially, the Aksarben Amateur Radio Club was founded in 1945. Founding members were operating as a group prior to this, however, no formal club was declared until after World War II.

Organization Review

A very large club with many activities including educational instruction, community service, and social events. This club holds regular elections and has a club constitution which is closely observed.

The club's primary repeater K0USA VHF has an impressive coverage footprint, reaching as far east as Red Oak Iowa. This club's 146.94 repeater holds the title as having the best coverage area out of Omaha. The K0USA repeater has a slightly larger footprint than does K0SWI. The repeater lacks a PL tone for access.