Adrorium is a free yet advanced 3D spaceship simulation game developed by Beholdernx. This space game combines both survival and exploration into one package.
Game genre:
- 3D (realistic 3D space / 6 axis ship driving)
- Advanced Spaceship Simulator (ship building / lots of buttons)
- Space survival (ship dogfighting / 6 player bar stats)
- Exploration (stations / sectors / planets / ships)
multiplayer troubleshooting
unable to rejoin server after death
adr090db1/Adro 0.9.0 dev build 1 LINUX/Data has only 4 files
GameSettings.json, Loaded.json, PlayerScores, PlayerSettings.json
modify playersettings.json -> modify "playerid"
Behold says, "any number any digit, I would recommand changing the last digit to +1 to not lose the initial number"
External Resources
Apparently there is another community wiki on this game: