1.25 Meter Ham Radio Transceivers

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This is a loosely constructed list of past and current 1.25m 220 222 amateur radio transceivers (work in progress).


Anytone AT 588

Jetstream JT220M

TYT TH-9000D

TYT TH9000D 222Mhz does ctcss/dcs/scan/dtmf with 200 channels. There are five user programmable front function keys. Coverage is from 220 - 260MHz with transmit power levels VHF: 10W/25W/60W.


This is a special model of the TYT TH-9800 which substitutes 440 coverage for 220 coverage.


Alinco DR-235 235T/G

FM only. 25 Watt 100 memory Channel radio for 222 MHz. Transmit range is 222-224.995 MHz. Three power outputs (25/10/5 watts). Built in PL/CTCSS. Receive range is 216.000 - 279.995 MHz.

Azden PCS-7200

222-225MHz FM mobile transceiver

Icom IC-37A

Power output may be selected at 25 or 5 watts. Operation is from 220-225 MHz. The speaker is built-in. This radio requires 6.5 amps. It has 9 memories. This particular radio was prone to the squelch potentiometer going bad and having a low deviation, both issues are correctable. Built in PL tone.

Kenwood TM-3530A

FM, Manufactured in the 1980s. Solid State.

The Kenwood TM-3530A transmits 25 or 5 watts on 220 MHz, is 7.1 x 2.4 x 7.7 inches and weighs 4 lbs. It is 23 channel memories, Auto Repeater Offset, DTMF, and repeater offset. The display is LCD. It has built in PL/CTCSS encode, you can selct from the display.

Used Value: $300.000

Kenwood TM-621A

Kenwood TM-631A

Midland Model 13-513

Ten-Tech 1230

FM only. Kit form. Has a big front panel knob for tuning of 220Mhz MHz in 5Khz or 2.5 Khz steps. 15 memories. Included PL/CTCSS tone. 20-watts out. Highly collectible.

Used Value: $350