File Managers for Linux

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File Manager, File Managers, Orthodox File Manager, File explorer, File browser, File navigator, File operations tool


  • Written in‎ ‎C++‎ (‎Qt‎)

Default file manager in KDE, replaced Konqueor. Looks very Micro$oft-ish. Dolphin is highly configurable.

Double Commander

  • Cross Platform
  • twin-panel file manager
  • GTK and Qt versions
apt install doublecmd-gtk

Review: slow to launch, sometimes crashes. Shift key should be to move files and Cntrl key to copy, however, not with this.


  • twin-panel file manager
  • GTK-toolkit and GnomeVFS
  • mostly written in C++

GNOME Commander is a graphical filemanager for the GNOME desktop environment, it has a "two-pane" interface in the tradition of Norton and Midnight Commander.

review: Initially liked interface, crashed during testing. Can't find way to edit path bar via keyboard (ctrl-L doesn't work). Uses ‘breadcrumbs’ path bar with no apparent way to use location entry. GNOME Commander doesn't have a direct editable path bar like some other file managers. Instead, you can use the internal command line to navigate to a directory. Ctrl + Shft + L opens or brings into focus the internal command line which appears at the bottom of the interface by default, where you can use the "cd" command to navigate such as you would in console.

sudo apt-get install gnome-commander


Former default file manger in KDE until replace by Dolphin.

sudo apt-get install konqueror


  • twin-panel file manager
sudo apt-get install krusader


  • Java

muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface. It runs on any operating system with Java support.

review: No apt support, no simple install. Java tends to be slow and inefficient.


Default file manager in GNOME.

tip: By default, Nautilus use/show the path bar, using Ubuntu Tweak you can set it by default to use the address bar. Cntrl-L is the typical way to make the path editable by keyboard.


Nemo is a fork of GNOME Files / Nautilus. It is also the default file manager of the Cinnamon desktop. Nemo is based on the Files 3.4 code. It was created as a response to the changes in Files 3.6 which saw features such as type ahead find and split pane view removed. Because Nemo was forked from Nautilus 3.4 it includes features removed from Nautilus, like dual panels (split view), list view, configurable toolbar, as well as type-ahead find.

Ctrl-L will toggle between ‘breadcrumbs’ path bar, and location entry, which will show you the current path. Nemo is simple to configure graphically but not all options are in the preferences screen in Nemo. More options are available in the dconf-editor under org.nemo.

sudo apt install nemo

review: Nemo Sidebar customize limitations. Shows "home" directory as if it were the root tree of a file system much like nasty Micro$oft does, stop trying to dumb users down. On the positive side it supports bookmarks and loads quickly. It is well integrated into the Cinnamon desktop for obvious reasons. Mint users should not remove Nemo as it has some useful options relating to GVfs.


  • GTK

Linux Mint with the Cinnamon desktop includes Nemo File Manager by default. Nemo is lacking. Pcmanfm is (or once was) a better file manager.

sudo apt install pcmanfm

pcmanfm does some useful things nemo does not do. For example, to backup a file in the directory with pcmanfm simply click the filename, choose "copy" and then choose "paste" from the menubar. pcmanfm will prompt you because the copy has the same filename as the original, and give you the option to rename, in which I simply change the extension to .bak or something like that. This simple task that you can do in Microsoft Windows and in Linux using pcmanfm cannot be done with nemo!

As of 2024 PCManFM rating lowered due to numerous issues. Issues and resolutions discussed on the PCManFM page.


  • GTK+ toolkit
  • Written in C

SpaceFM was originally developed from a fork of PCMan File Manager and later PCManFM-Mod. A multi panel tabbed file manager built using the GTK+ toolkit.

review: Rock solid, fast, and stable. It lacks too many features that prevents it from being a total replacement. Although you can add tools manually the process is tedious, which is not practical for someone without significant free time. It uses a stupid 3d blue box icon that one can not glance at and quickly identify it is a file operation, an icon should be a symbolic representation of the purpose.


  • GTK
  • twin-panel file manager

An easy-to-use and powerful file manager that seamlessly integrates into the GNOME desktop environment (but not limited to).


  • GTK

The default file manager in the Xfce desktop environment.

Tux Commander

  • twin-panel file manager
  • written for GTK2 in Object Pascal (FreePascal)

Tux Commander is a windowed file manager with 2 panels side by side similar to popular Total Commander or Midnight Commander file managers. It offers simple file manipulation functions, bookmarks, network support, plugins support, configuration of external applications. It is written for GNOME and XFCE desktop environments while preserving complete independence.

sudo apt-get install tuxcmd


  • FOX toolkit

X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer or Commander like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander. Xfe is small, very fast and only requires the FOX library to be fully functional. Plus, it can be launched from the command line in a fraction of second. Xfe can also efficiently complete terminal commands.

sudo apt-get install xfe

review: Loads fast. Nice interface (very functional with the best layout observed over other file managers.) Stable, doesn't seem to crash. Ability to use keyboard and edit path bar: has both breadcrumbs and path entry visible simultaneously! Somewhat cumbersome file association for "open with" handling, although functional it requires manual entry of path to program binary for each association. For example, when I go to open a PDF rather than selecting "Document Viewer" from a list I manually enter the path "/usr/bin/xreader" which for some may be more difficult. Uses internal viewers for certain file types which are limited in functionality, such as the internal image viewer. Updated: At first it loaded fast and was stable. However, after a few weeks of use it became less stable. Launching Xfe requires patience as there is considerable delay between launching and the interface appearing. Due to these problems developing after a few weeks of use, the review is revised and rating is adjusted. These problems observed on Mint / Cinnamon.