Online Security, AntiVirus, and System Performance Boost Scams
Order Alphabetically. Web sites with scam virus scams, system performance boost utilities, and bogus security software. Typically these are adware, scams, or malware that can infect your system and deliver the exact problems and issues they promise to resolve.
Scam Web Sites Offering Diagnostics
Advanced PC Tweaker
- Web Site URL:
- Date Added (MM/YYYY): 11/2012
Registry Genius, is a web site that pretends to have useful information on executables, processes, and software. The web site urges users to click a link to a "Free Errors Scan" which will promptly download and install AdvancedPCTweaker_Setup.exe on the computer. is not the only web site frontend for AdvancedPCTweaker_Setup.exe, all of which are tied into, an advertising and tracking system.
Recommendation: Do NOT download and install the AdvancedPCTweaker_Setup.exe software. Product is a scam. If you are a network administrator, block in your network firewall.
- Web Site URL:
- Date Added (MM/YYYY): 11/2012
Another diagnostics free computer scan web site with false information and a downloadable installer.
Recommendation: Do not click the Free Scan button. Do NOT download and install the PCSafeDoctor_Setup.exe software. Product is a scam. If you are a network administrator, block in your network firewall.
- Web Site URL:
- Date Added (MM/YYYY): 11/2012
A web site just like Woo Utilities that pretends to have valuable information about executables, processes, and software in regards to security and virus risk. The information is false. The descriptions are canned and unrelated to the executable discussed. The web site is a scam to trick users into downloading and installing diagnostic software that will negatively impact the computer.
Recommendation: Do NOT download and install the Free Scan and Diagnostics software. Product is a scam. If you are a network administrator, block in your network firewall.
Woo Utilities
- Web Site URL:
- Date Added (MM/YYYY): 11/2012
A web site that is full is false information. The clever wording has fictional details about programs and errors on Microsoft Windows operating systems. For example, the Woo Utilities web site reports that Windows IsoPuzzle v1.6 Portable.exe is "a legitimate windows process used by many applications of Windows operating systems." In fact, the text fragment used to describe IsoPuzzle is also used to describe thousands of other executable of a wide variety of purposes and types. It is a automated description with no actual correlation to the executable mentioned. In this case, IsoPuzzle is a benign (perfectly safe) program, but is not part of Microsoft Windows. It is a 3rd party freeware application for recovering data from corrupted optical media.
Recommendation: Do NOT download and install Woo Utilities. Product is a scam. If you are a network administrator, block in your network firewall.
Web Sites That are Likely Legitimate
This is a short list of web sites submitted that turned out to either be legitimate, or there was no evidence to support any indication that the web site is harmful or a scam. These may be useful web sites or simply benign. These web sites are probably safe to use, however, we offer no guarantees.
- - appears completely safe and legitimate.