Talk:Apple IIc
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KEGS: Kent's Emulated GS version 0.91
What is this?
KEGS is an Apple IIgs emulator for Mac OS X, Linux, and Win32. The Apple IIgs was the most powerful computer in the Apple II line. It first was sold in 1986. An Apple IIgs has the capability to run almost all Apple II, Apple IIe, and Apple IIc programs.
Apple IIc null modem
Hi, I am having a problem getting a null modem to work between my Apple IIc and my laptop PC. I hope someone can help me solve this problem. I want to use the null modem to run ADT, but I keep getting I/O errors in ADT. I created my null modem cable according to the following pinout: DIN-5, male DB9, female (Apple) 4 (2) TXD --> 2 RXD 5 (4) RXD <-- 3 TXD 2 (3) GND --- 5 GND 1 (1) DTR --> 6 DSR --, pins 6 and 1 connected by jumper 1 DCD --' 3 (5) DSR/DCD <-- 4 DTR The pin numbering that I used for the DIN-5 connector, as viewed by looking at the pins on the front, are: Apple numbering Standard numbering 1 5 1 3 2 4 4 5 3 2 The pin numbering that I used for the DB9 end of the null modem cable, as viewed by looking at the front of the female connector, are: -------------- \ 5 4 3 2 1 / \ 9 8 7 6 / ------- This is what happens when I install the null modem cable, and I boot up Windows 3.11 (on the PC) and ProDOS (on the Apple IIc). If I type IN#2 on the apple, I can enter text in a terminal emulator and the text will display perfectly on the Apple IIc monitor. However, if I type PR#2 (print to the serial port) when I type something on the Apple, I get gibberish on the teminal emulator (ion the PC sode). The gibberish looks like this: ççççç~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝì»~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝì»~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝì»~M~M¿ ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝì»~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝì»~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝèê~M~M¿ ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝèèèèèèèèèèèèèèôòôåùôùôùòôùòôùòôùòôùåòôùùòåôùòùòôùòåôùòåùåò ôùòùåòùôòôùôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝ~MÝ~MÝ~MÝêëìèê~M~M¿ ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝêçèêêçèêçèêæèêæè~M~MÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝèæçèæçèæçèäæèæçèäæçóäæçäæ çóäæççäæçäæçäææáóäæäæáóæäáóäæ~H~MÝêêêêêêêêêêêæçæèêçèêæçèêçèêæçèêèêæçèêçæèêç æèêæçèê~M~M¿ÓÙÎÔÁØ ÅÒÒÏÒ~G~MÝ The serial port settings on both sides are the same, and I'm running at 300 baud. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong, ar have a suggestion that will help me. It appears that I can send text from the PC to the Apple IIc, but CANNOT send text from the Apple IIc to the PC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Jay