Talk:Common Invoice Payment Termonology

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Term Explanation


Net X Net Due in X Days Net Eom Net amount due by the end of the month Net Prx Net amount due on the 1st of the following month N10 Prxo Net due within 10 days of the first of the following month N10 Eom Net due within 10 days of the end of the month X/10 N15 X Percentage discount if paid in 10 days or total amount

              due in 15 days

X/15 N30 X percentage discount if paid in 15 days or total amount

              due in 30 days

X/30 N45 X percentage discount if paid in 30 days or total amount

              due in 45 days

X/10 Eom X percentage discount if paid in 10 days or total amount

              due at the end of the month

X/15 Eom X percentage discount if paid in 15 days or total amount

              due at the end of the month

X/10 Prx X percentage discount if paid in 10 days, otherwise due on

              the first of the following month

X/15 Prx X percentage discount if paid in 15 days, otherwise due on

              the first of the following month

X/Eom X percentage discount if paid by end of month X/Prox X percentage discount if paid by the first of the following


Cs Dis Discount in return for payment before final due date. Tr Dis Reduction of the selling price and is always available to the

              customer regardless of the lateness of the payment

Special Special terms offered by seller Contrct As stated in contract Varied Offers several different terms Roi Remit on receipt of invoice D/S Draft Payable at sight D/O Draft with order COD Cash on Delivery COD-Req COD at seller's request CIA Cash in advance CIA-Req CIA at seller's request CWO Cash with order NET Balance Due Multi Customer has more than one way of paying Note Written promise to pay at a specific time Cash Cash only