Talk:Mint Linux Troubleshooting

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5 mechanisms:

  • Host access: the server has host access list (if a network address exists in this list, the connection is permitted). the list is managed using xhost command. NOTE: this doesn't allow more than a single connection simultaneously. I don't know more about this method because I don't really used it. but you can see man Xserver GRANTING ACCESS section :)
  • MIT-magic-cookie-1: Generating 128bit of key ("cookie"), storing it in ~/.Xauthority (or where XAUTHORITY envvar points to). The client sends it to server plain! the server checks whether it has a copy of this "cookie" and if so, the connection is permitted. the key is generated by DMX.
  • XDM-authorization-1: Again, there is a key stored in ~/.Xauthority. this key consists 2 parts- 56bit DES encryption key and 64bits of random data used as the authenticator. When you connect to the server the client generate 192bits of data: ctime combined with 48bits identifier (for tcp/ip: ip address+port, for local connections it's the PID and 32 bit unique id). the DES key is used to encrypt the data and then it is sent to server. the server validate the user by decrypting it then validating the 64bits authenticator and additional data.
  • sun-des-1: it uses asymmetric encryption, the server has a public key which he uses to decrypt incomming requests. it also uses the "host list". This require some additional mechanisms in the network, I don't have such network so again, I don't understand this mechanism well.
  • server interpreted: It can be implemented in so many ways... but in general, the client send 2 string to server. The second string is the user entry (such as username) and the first string is the entry type (such as localuser).

service file locations settings and related files


useful commands

inxi -G
systemctl stop lightdm
sudo dpkg-reconfigure-lightdm
killall -9

components of x


display manager

Installing a new display manager should prompt the dpkg-reconfigure tool to launch. If not, run it manually:

   Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
   Select the default display manager in the dialog that pops up

Switch your Linux display manager

You can replace “gdm3” with any of the display managers that are currently installed on your system. If this fails, edit the /etc/X11/default-display/manager file with root privileges.

refresh wifi list

run "sudo iwlist scan"