Talk:Nintendo Wii

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On smackdown vs raw 2010 wii how do you slam someone into the table?

Get your momentum all the way full and irish whip your opponent into the table. Then when you face the opponent leaning against the table it will say "table finisher" press a +b when your see that.

Irish Whip - A button while facing opponent.

Guide to install Homebrew Channel on the Wii version 4. 3

What we do is install the Homebrew Channel with the Indiana Pwns server.

Indiana Pwns is an exploit that advantage, by hacking the save LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures or Original Trilogy, load homebrew on the Wii. Created by the famous Team Twiizers is the future of the Twilight hack. Suitable for the 3.X and 4.X also And of note, which is functional in 4.3, the latest update from Nintendo.

Author: Team Twizzers


  • SD Card (Max 2 GB) more does not support the game to load the exploit. It can be FAT or FAT32. The SDHC is not supported.
  • SD reader on your PC.
  • Have played at least once a LEGO Indiana Jones, to copy the save. (At least create a game)
  • Some homebrew to load (Hackmii installer is recommended to install Homebrew Channel, and do not need the exploit)


  • Ensure that the SD card is FAT.
  • If you have a game in Indiana who want to save before making the process make a backup, put the SD card into the Wii.
  • Turn on the Wii. Wii options. Data management. Data saved. Wii. Find your game Indiana. Click. Copy. Yes
  • Now put the SD into the computer and copy the folder in a safe place PRIVATE PC.
  • Now download the RAR Indiana Pwns. You will see the following path: Private \ Wii \ Title \ disinter and game regions: RLIP (PAL), RLIE (USA) and RLIJ (Japan).
  • PRIVATE put the folder with your route by region for your Wii at the root of the SD. Example, if PAL: SD \ Private \ Wii \ Title \ RLIP \ data.bin. Note: we can leave the three folders for the three regions and in 8 of our region, select and copy.
  • Download the latest version and place the installer Hackmii BOOT.ELF at the root of the SD. Note: if instead of Hackmii Installer is what you want to load any other application, locate the file or boot.dol BOOT.ELF of the application. In case you can not use LoadMii boot.dol load applications to load.
  • Now put your SD card into your Wii and then on again.
  • Go to Wii Options, Data Management, Data Saved, Wii.
  • Find your game Indiana, Click, Delete, Yes.
  • Now, without leaving the Data Management, SD and select the save of Indiana Pwns. Click copy and accepts.
  • Exit the Data Management menu.
  • Insert LEGO Indiana Jones and get to play.
  • Walk to the Board of art (art room) and look at the second character ENJOY.
  • To recover your save, eliminates the exploit of the Wii, and PC, delete the private folder of the SD, and put the contents of the call back was created earlier. Copy it to the Wii again


Maybe the hacked save does not appear among those who are in the SD in the data management menu of the Wii. This is normal, and hopefully fix it, not having to put something kinda complicated.


If you do not have the resources to do the hack, as the original game to load the exploit, which allows Homebrew Channel installed, you can post your application you need the game to the next "post" to see if any another member of the community nearest to your home they can provide.

Adult Games Having Female Sexy Characters

Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball series for release on the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii - not yet released for the Wii as of 2010.

Beach Fun Summer Challenge - available but pretty tame. No comparison to Extreme Beach Volleyball.

Bikini Zombie Slayers - These are “erotic” games tailored for the adult market

Sexy Poker WiiWare - manga (anime) shit. strip poker. no animation. lame

No More Heros - It contains sexy women, tons of blood, a raunchy script, and some of the strangest assassins in history (like the alcoholic murderous Sweet Lolita chick who throws men in S&M gear at you).

Wii Menu Ver. 4.0U

The SD Card Menu is a feature made available with the release of Wii Menu version 4.0. This menu allows the user to run Virtual Console games, WiiWare games, and Wii Channels directly from the SD card, making it possible to free up internal memory. Applications can now be downloaded to the SD card directly from the Wii Shop Channel as well.

  • You can install the HBC (Home Brew Channel) on Wii Menu 4.0u using the new banner bomb technique!

Can I install homebrew on System Menu 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3?

Yes, you can run and install homebrew on System Menu 4.0 - 4.2 with the Bannerbomb, Indiana Pwns, Smash Stack, Yu-Gi-OWNED!, or Yu-Gi-Vah exploits. You then use your exploit to run the Hackmii Installer, which can install the Homebrew Channel and Bootmii.

If you are running 4.3, the only difference is Bannerbomb will not work, use another exploit.

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