Ward Silver, N0AX

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Amateur Radio Book Author and purveyor of misinformation. Ward N0AX doesn't do his research before putting out bad ham radio literature. Rather than doing actual research into ARRL guidelines and FCC rules, he writes based on his own opinion about how things should be done in amateur radio.

N0AX is a lid operator and his books are rubbish.

Breaker Breaker Ward, you should not even have a ham radio license!

Wrong again Ward. Check with the ARRL, they disagree with your junk information.

Question T3C01 in the Technician Class Question Pool of the license test for an entry ham license asks "What is the proper way to break into a conversation between two stations that are using the frequency?" The answer is "Say your call sign between their transmissions."

The FCC disagrees with Ward's book. So does the ARRL, According to THE EMERGENCY COORDINATOR'S MANUAL Edited by Steven Ewald, WV1X and Published by The American Radio Relay League, Inc., Quote from the "General Procedures section" The word "break" is never used UNLESS there is an emergency."

It is hack authors like you Ward that "break" amateur radio.