
Dark Web

905 bytes added, 23:26, 2 April 2019
/* What the Dark Web Isn't */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
* The Dark Web is not one specific logical thing.  It is more of a marketing term used by non-technical people in an attempt to sell and market privacy services or identity theft services.   * The Dark Web is not a standardized definition for a specific thing.  It is more of a marketing term used by non-technical people in an attempt to sell and profit from privacy or identity theft products and services.  It has gained partial acceptance in the information technology world loosely describing some bad parts of the Internet.* The Dark Web is not entirely and specifically all illegal activity, at least not activity that is illegal in all countries.  For example, anti-government political dissidence that is illegal in the movement country of origin might be protected speech in the United States.   * The Dark Web is not entirely and specifically all illegal activity, at least not activity that is illegal in all countries.  For example, anti-government political dissidence that is illegal in the movement country of origin might be protected speech in other places such as the United States.  Maybe a resistance movement in North Korea might secretly use the Internet anonymously to organize, if they had computers, technology, and electricity.* The Dark Web can contain horrifying images and information such as the so called "Snuff Films," however, this is stuff that exists on the Internet, and calling it the dark web is not saying that it is on a different place than the Internet.  It is on the Internet, but you won't find this disturbing content easily or by using a major search engine such as Google.  Again, the dark web is not separate from the Internet or World Wide Web.* The Dark Web can contain horrifying images and information such as the so called "Snuff Films," however, this is stuff that exists places on the Internet, and calling it the dark web is not saying that it is on a different place than the Internet.  It is on the Internet, but you won't find this disturbing content easily or by using a major search engine such as Google.  Again, the dark web is not separate from the Internet or World Wide Web.   * The Dark Web is not a term for describing pornographic content web sites.  Because something has opposition or moral implications does not make it part of the dark web.  Legal age restricted pornography is all over the public Internet.  However, illegal pornographic material, prostitution services, and even darker sex trafficking meets what has come to be described as part of the dark web. * Web sites with bgcolor=#000000 in the head tag may be dark while existing on the web, however, this is not relevant to the popular term and only included here as "light" humor.
Bureaucrat, administrator