ADO Database Connection VB6
From Free Knowledge Base- The DUCK Project: information for everyone
The old database access method using Jet has been replaced in VB6 by the new ADO or Active Data Objects. ADO makes it easier to access data from existing databases such as a Microsoft Access database or from an ODBC database connection such as MS SQL or Oracle.
Three Important objects in the ADO object model are:
- Connection Object
- Command Object
- RecordSet Object
Connection Object
- ConnectionString
- Provider
- Mode
- CursorLocation
- ConnectionTimeout
- CommandTimeout
- Close
- Open
Command Object
- ActiveConnection
- CommandText
- CommandType
- Execute
RecordSet Object
- CursorLocation
- CursorType
- EOF and BOF
- Fields
- LockType
- RecordCount
- AddNew
- Close
- MoveNext
- MoveFirst
- MoveLast
- Open
- Update
- UpdateBatch
Example: Read from Access Database and Populate an Array
Public cn1 As ADODB.Connection txtSourcePath.Text = App.Path & "\Contact.mdb"
Private Sub cmdConnect_Click() Dim strConn1 As String Set cn1 = New ADODB.Connection cn1.ConnectionString = strConn1 cn1.Open End Sub
Private Sub MakeCompanyArray() Dim strSQL1 As String, cnt As Integer Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM Company ORDER BY CompanyID" rs1.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs1.Open strSQL1, cn1, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then For cnt = 1 To rs1.RecordCount arCompanies(cnt, 1) = rs1!CompanyID arCompanies(cnt, 2) = rs1!CompanyName arCompanies(cnt, 3) = rs1!PhoneNum arCompanies(cnt, 4) = rs1!Website rs1.MoveNext Next cnt arCompanies(0, 1) = cnt End If rs1.Close Set rs1 = Nothing End Sub