Pipe Water Line Types
Several types of material has been used in the past for pipes - brass, copper, CPVC, galvanized, lead, polybutylene, cast iron, and even wood for example. Consumers today have many choices when it comes to selecting products to use for home plumbing. Although products such as lead service lines are no longer used due to health concerns, copper, CPVC, PVC, and PEX are just a few of the options available today for residential plumbing uses.
This is the best and most commonly used type of pipe today. The use of solder and compression fittings is necessary for joining and working with copper pipe.
If the water PH level is below 6.5, there is the potential for copper to leach from the pipe into drinking water above allowable levels.
Modern plastic plumbing products are usually designated with either "NSF-PW" or "NSF-61" to indicate that the product complies with the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI Standard 61 for materials designed for contact with water.
Galvanized Pipe
Lead pipes were used many years ago to connect our homes to the water main in the street. As we now know the potential health risks associated with excessive lead levels in water, lead pipe is no longer used and has given way to alternative like copper. Lead in drinking water can result in brain damage and other health problems.
To determine if your home has a lead service line, locate the place in your home where the water line comes through the wall or floor in your home. Is the pipe a light gray in color? If so, while wearing gloves to protect your hands, carefully take a penknife and lightly scrape the outside of the pipe. If the pipe material is soft to the touch, you may have a lead service line.
Have a lead test performed on your water to ensure that the lead level is below 15 ppb (0.015 mg/L). You can use a home water treatment product certified for lead reduction, or use bottled water for drinking and cooking. Keep in mind that faucets or lead-based solder (used to join copper tubing) that was manufactured before 1998 may contain a higher amount of lead than permitted in today's products, so these materials can also contribute lead into drinking water. Due to this, lead can be present in a home water system even if there are no lead pipes.