Big Dish Satellite T.V. Aiming Guide
Aligning a satellite dish can be a challenge. The aiming process must be very precise as digital reception is an ON or OFF proposition. Fortunately, there are inexpensive instruments to aid in the aiming process. If you follow the correct steps, exercise patience, and make very small smooth movements with the dish, you will be successful.
1. Set the Elevation Angle. For this you will need a satellite to choose as a reference.
2. Use your Signal Meter to aid in aiming the dish.
3. Fine tune the aiming using your satellite receiver.
If you are using an offset style dish, keep in mind it may appear to be pointing to the ground. Understanding how the signal reflects off the dish will help new offset dish users to realize that it will appear to point down when, in fact, it is pointed correctly. Pay attention to the elevation scale on the mounting bracket, which aids in adjustment of the dish.