Android Annoyances

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Text Messaging Repeats Last Word

It seemed to be an issue where the last word of the previous message sent would sometimes automatically populate the text entry of the new message composition.

reproduce the issue.

  1. When ready to type a message, go into landscape orientation.
  2. Type a word or more.
  3. Press the back button or "Done' to leave the keyboard. (At this point it doesn't matter if you send or not).
  4. Return to portrait orientation.

source: Text Messaging sometimes auto-repeats last word sent

[...] it'll show the last word that i had just sent them in the texting area where you compose the message. [...] running smart keyboard

source: Text messaging copying last word

  • Not specifically impacting "Smart Keyboard Pro" but other 3rd party on screen keyboard apps as well.
  • Glitch not present when using the default system keyboard.

other reports of the glitch:




Keywords: Android Phone Smart Keyboard