
Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows 10

1,626 bytes added, 02:30, 11 February 2017
/* Legacy BIOS Dual Boot */
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#install Ubuntu - choose to "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager."#install Ubuntu - choose to "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows" - SEE FULL INSTALL DETAILS BELOWFULL INSTALL DETAILSHere is how you install Ubuntu:  Boot from the Ubuntu boot drive be it disc or USB stick.  Booting into Ubuntu on a computer with a standard BIOS is a lot simpler than UEFI based machines.  An install dialog will appear with two options, TRY UBUNTU or INSTALL UBUNTU.  You need to choose the TRY UBUNTU.If not connected to the Internet it is recommended that you connect so that you can download updates and 3rd party software during the install.  You can check this within the X environment before proceeding with the install.After the Ubuntu environment loads the desktop you will see an icon that labeled "Install Ubuntu."  This is the route we are going to take to do the installation.  The "Installation Type" screen lets you decide whether you want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows or over the top. Choose the "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows" option.Select the rest of the desired install options and complete the installation.  When the process has finished you will have the options to continue test or to restart now.  Click the "Restart Now" option.  You will be asked to remove the USB drive and press enter. Now when your computer reboots you will have options to boot into Windows 10 or Ubuntu.If the filesystem is fragmented, there are system protection backup files in the way, or the swap file is in the way then you will be limited on how much you can shrink the partition even though there is free space greater than what is available.  For tips on how to make it possible to further shrink the partition see [[How to Shrink a Windows 10 Partition]].
Bureaucrat, administrator