
Tips for New Hams

1 byte added, 17:39, 14 September 2017
/* Don't Interrupt Others Just to ID */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
You are required to state your call sign at certain times so that you may be identified by listeners as per FCC regulation [[Part 97 : Sec. 97.119 Station identification]].  You are not required to interrupt other operators just to blurt out your call sign when you have nothing more to say.  It is not only a misinterpretation of the regulation, it is also very rude.  Read [Part_97_:_Sec._97.119_Station_identification#Explained|THIS EXPLANATION]] to understand the true meaning of the regulation.  You are required to state your call sign at certain times so that you may be identified by listeners as per FCC regulation [[Part 97 : Sec. 97.119 Station identification]].  You are not required to interrupt other operators just to blurt out your call sign when you have nothing more to say.  It is not only a misinterpretation of the regulation, it is also very rude.  Read [[Part_97_:_Sec._97.119_Station_identification#Explained|THIS EXPLANATION]] to understand the true meaning of the regulation.  