
Tips for New Hams

2,043 bytes added, 03:07, 6 February 2019
/* Clearing Your Station and Operating Opinion */
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So you've got your amateur radio license and you're new to [[Ham Radio]].  You're probably feeling a little intimidated about making contacts.  You should feel comfortable operating and keep in mind that most hams will be patient and offer helpful suggestions to help you get going once you're on the air.  However, you should invest some time into learning the basics before making that first contact.  A few minutes of reading will pay off in miles of experience.  Here's some tips to working repeaters, simplex, and general practice.So you've got your amateur radio license and you're new to [[Ham Radio]].  You're probably feeling a little intimidated about making contacts.  You should feel comfortable operating and keep in mind that most hams will be patient and offer friendly suggestions to help you get going once you're on the air.  However, you should invest some time into learning the basics before making that first contact.  A few minutes of reading will pay off in miles of experience.  Here's some tips to working repeaters, simplex, and general practice.It is more useful to say, "A0NEW, Monitoring 147.000." (replace A0NEW with your call sign and 147.000 with the repeater frequency or repeater name." Now any hams that are scanning through repeaters know where you are.  It's not required but increases the probability of a response. Furthermore, experienced hams sometimes drop the "monitoring" and simply state their call sign and what repeater they are on.  If they are mobile they might even include the fact by saying, "A0NEW on 147, mobile."It is more useful to say, "A0NEW, Monitoring 147.000." (replace A0NEW with your call sign and 147.000 with the frequency or repeater name." Now any hams that are scanning through repeaters know where you are.  It's not required but increases the probability of a response. As another example, when on the simplex calling frequency I usually say "on 52 simplex."  Furthermore, experienced hams sometimes drop the "monitoring" and simply state their call sign and what repeater they are on.  If they are mobile they might even include the fact by saying, "A0NEW on 147, mobile."Seeking a contact on a local repeater is not like seeking a contact on simplex or SSB.  If you are seeking someone to chat with and you've provided your call sign as advised under the section "Monitoring a Repeater" then simply wait patiently for someone to respond.  Please do not "hammer" the repeater by repeating your call sign continuously, give it ten or twenty minutes before announcing your presence again.Especially when there's more than one person in a QSO (conversation) you want to say the call sign of the next person in turn to speak at the end of your transmission.  For example, "... and that's the weather today, over to A0NEW."  This prevents incidents of "doubling" which occurs when two or more ham operators start to transmit at the same time not aware of the other.  It's good to know who goes next!Especially when there's more than two people in a QSO (conversation) you want to say the call sign of the next person in turn to speak at the end of your transmission. It is far more useful to say "over to A0NEW" than it would be to say only "over." For example, "... and that's the weather today, over to A0NEW."  This prevents incidents of "doubling" which occurs when two or more ham operators start to transmit at the same time not aware of the other.  It's good to know who goes next!Yes some veteran operators believe they are clever when they attach a phrase like "''for license preservation''" to their identification.  For example, "''AØNEW for license preservation''" which is no more necessary than saying "AØNEW for ID."  The first is neither clever nor good operator practice.  The second is simply unnecessary since it is quite apparent to other operators why you are stating your call sign.  Do you believe that other operators are confused as to why you are saying your call sign therefore you must explain that the call sign is your identification?  Just state your call sign!Yes some veteran operators believe they are clever when they attach a phrase like "''for license preservation''" to their identification.  For example, "''AØLID for license preservation''" which is no more necessary than saying "AØLID for ID."  The first is neither clever nor good operator practice.  The second is simply unnecessary since it is quite apparent to other operators why you are stating your call sign.  Do you believe that other operators are confused as to why you are saying your call sign therefore you must explain that the call sign is your identification?  Just state your call sign!Political conversation is a good example because there is no FCC regulation which prohibits the topic from being discussed in amateur radio.  There are hams that would prefer not to talk politics on a repeater, however, it is not regulated by the FCC.  However it may be disallowed as part of rules which govern that specific repeater made and enforced by the person or party responsible for the repeater.   Political conversation is a good example because there is no FCC regulation which prohibits the topic from being discussed in amateur radio.  There are hams that would prefer not to talk politics on a repeater, however, it is not regulated by the FCC.  Yet it may be disallowed as part of rules which govern that specific repeater made and enforced by the person or party responsible for the repeater.   == Clear Your Station ==== Clearing Your Station and Operating Opinion ==Some ham operators believe that it is required by [[Part 97]] of the FCC rules for operators to clear their station when finished speaking on a repeater, frequency, or during a net.  Although it is not a bad idea to clear your station, as a courtesy to other operators, it is not required and there is no known subpart to [[Part 97]] regarding clearing your station.  It is easy to be bullied by older hams on made-up rules so you should consider reading [[Part 97]] as it pertains specifically to the amateur radio operator.Some ham operators believe that it is required by [[Part 97]] of the FCC rules for operators to clear their station when finished speaking on a repeater, frequency, or during a net.  Although it is not a bad idea to clear your station, as a courtesy to other operators, it is not required and there is no known subpart to [[Part 97]] regarding clearing your station.  You need to provide only your callsign or the callsign of the control operator. A station is not "left open" if the operator doesn't clear.  Interrupting other hams or a net just to blurt out "clear!" might even be rude under certain circumstances.   Some operators aren't really "clear" because they might spend the rest of the day monitoring. As long as the ham is not transmitting it is not required to clear nor id every ten minutes, despite some ham's misunderstanding of FCC rules.  Again, you don't have to ID at regular intervals if you're just listening (monitoring) - only if you're transmitting. It is easy to be bullied by older hams using made-up rules so consider reading [[Part 97]] yourself because it pertains specifically to the amateur radio operator. There is FCC regulation, ARRL suggested practice, local guidelines, and the rest is all operator opinion.  In short, you do have to ID if you're talking, you do not have to use the term "clear" if you're done, but you certainly may if you wish.You'll most certainly hear long time hams with sloppy operating procedure.  Please don't consider it normal and try not to emulate sloppy operators.  Bad habits in ham radio seem to spread like a plague.  Your success in amateur radio and your ultimate enjoyment of this hobby will have a lot to do with how you operate as well as your other qualities that add to the growing ham community.The reality of things today is that many hams disagree on what is correct procedure.  The FCC is the final authority so you'll want to pay closest attention to what they require.  The ARRL puts forth guidelines that stress an orderly operating practice with good ham etiquette which both aide in communications especially during an emergency. You'll most certainly hear long time hams with sloppy operating procedure, often referred to as "lids." Please don't consider it normal and try not to emulate sloppy operators.  Although some clubs are more relaxed than others, the better you operate the more rewards you'll get out of this hobby.  Your success in amateur radio and your ultimate enjoyment of this hobby will have a lot to do with how you operate as well as your other unique qualities that add to the growing ham community. Have fun and set a good example because we want you with us in amateur radio![[Category:article]][[Category:Amateur Radio Articles]]