
Tips for New Hams

139 bytes added, 03:07, 6 February 2019
/* Clearing Your Station and Operating Opinion */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
It is easy to be bullied by older hams using made-up rules so consider reading [[Part 97]] yourself because it pertains specifically to the amateur radio operator. There is FCC regulation, ARRL suggested practice, local guidelines, and the rest is all operator opinion.It is easy to be bullied by older hams using made-up rules so consider reading [[Part 97]] yourself because it pertains specifically to the amateur radio operator. There is FCC regulation, ARRL suggested practice, local guidelines, and the rest is all operator opinion.  In short, you do have to ID if you're talking, you do not have to use the term "clear" if you're done, but you certainly may if you wish.