
Talk:Mint Linux Distribution Reference

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== includes ==* [[Linux Shell Environment Path]]== Enable Output to Both Headphones and Sound Card System Speakers ==Install PulseAudio Preferences (something that should be part of PulseAudio to begin with) sudo apt install paprefs sudo apt install pavucontrol paprefsSelect the tab furthest on the right "Simultaneous Output"check [x] Add virtual output device for simultaneous output on all local sound cardsRestart pulseaudio (pulseaudio -k to kill and restart) or simply reboot the system.  Now within the Sound applet you will see two devices,1) headphones... 2) Simultaneous output...This is actually the equivelant to the old bridge sound devices.Menu -> Preferences -> PulseAudio PreferencesMenu -> Sound & Video -> PulseAudio Volume ControlIT STILL DOES NOT WORK. pacmd list-sinks aplay -D plughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav aplay -l pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'alsa.device ' -e 'alsa.subdevice 'aplay -l (list hardware playback devices)*** have a HP ProBook 6560b.  Mint 19.2, Cinnamon x.x  When I connect headphones there is no sound out of the PC speakers.  I would like sound to come out of both the speakers and the headphones.  In Sound Settings I see either "Speakers Built in Audio" or "Headphones Built-in audio".== Disable sleep button on keyboard ==In /etc/systemd/logind.confput in the lines (or uncomment existing and change values on the right respectively) HandleSuspendKey=ignore HandleHibernateKey=ignoreYou'll have to reboot for the settings to be applied.== audible ping not working ==ping produces a bell by printing the ASCII bell char '\a', which is doing nothing, probably because the system beep is disabled.You can manually try to produce the bell with: echo -e "\a"n my case, audible bell was disabled because of xset -b in my ~/.xsession file and could be re-enabled with xset b.If you are using Terminator as terminal on Ubuntu 18.10, left-click the Terminator, select preferences/profiles, and there is the audible beep option.SOLUTION for Mint 19.2GNOME TERMINAL 3.28.1# click Edit -> Preferences# Under profiles click "unnamed" or your profile name# Under the "Text" tab at the bottom where the heading is "Sound" check "Terminal Bell"== mouse lag problem ==I've run into this before, and this fixed it for me. However, I've just changed this back to the original state, and it doesn't seem to be re-appearing. Perhaps it has been made moot by an upgrade -- but here's the process I used to fix it.If you are running into the problem now, and just want to test real quick if this fix works, you can do the temporary: sudo sh -c 'echo N > /sys/module/drm_kms_helper/parameters/poll'To keep this change, do: sudo sh -c 'echo "options drm_kms_helper poll=0" >> /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf' sudo update-initramfs -u== sudo rmmod intel_powerclamp ==sudo rmmod intel_powerclampkidle_inject processsudo rmmod intel_powerclamp 21273 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  18.6  0.0  4:41.01 kidle_inject/6                                                                                                                                                            21267 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.6  0.0  4:40.77 kidle_inject/0                                                                                                                                                            21268 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.6  0.0  4:40.85 kidle_inject/1                                                                                                                                                            21270 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.6  0.0  4:40.87 kidle_inject/3                                                                                                                                                            21271 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.6  0.0  4:40.93 kidle_inject/4                                                                                                                                                            21274 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.6  0.0  4:41.02 kidle_inject/7                                                                                                                                                            21269 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.3  0.0  4:40.92 kidle_inject/2                                                                                                                                                            21272 root    -51  0      0      0      0 S  17.3  0.0  4:40.92 kidle_inject/5== Other Image Viewers (removed from page) ===== Image Viewer: Geeqie ==={{:Geeqie}}=== Image Viewer: viewnoir ==={{:Viewnoir}}== AMD ATI graphic card problem.  nomodeset == sudo systemctl stop lightdmconfig file: /home/username/ /usr/share/X11/xorg.confg.d cat ~/.xsession-errors apt install --reinstall cinnamon cinnamon-session cinnamon-session-common"Xorg -configure" is broken since yearssystemd-logind: got fd for /dev/dri/card0 226:0 fd 11 paused 0 vi /etc/default/grub amdgpu.dc=0to your /etc/default/grub LINUX line after quiet splash. Then run sudo update-grub. nomodesetTo get xserver to run and get a graphical login  screen nomodesetTo get out of the login loop: sudo chown myuser:myuser /home/myuser/.Xauthority== x11vnc.service how to load new settings and restart on the server == # vi /lib/systemd/system/x11vnc.service # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart x11vnc.service== OpenGL Version ==New game that requires OpenGL 3.3Linux Mint 19.2 comes with 3.1 $ glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version" OpenGL version string: 3.1 Mesa 20.0.8inxi -Fxzd provides many hardware informationspecific $ inxi -Gx Graphics:  Device-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Trinity [Radeon HD 7560D] vendor: Hewlett-Packard driver: radeon           v: kernel bus ID: 00:01.0           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.19.6 driver: ati,radeon unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa           resolution: 1366x768~60Hz, 1920x1080~60Hz           OpenGL: renderer: AMD ARUBA (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.15.0-54-generic LLVM 10.0.0) v: 4.3 Mesa 20.0.8 direct render: Yes== Desktop Clock ==already installed is xclock xclock -update 1 &detaches from terminal and displays clock with 1 second update== Disable transmission client without uninstalling it ==Simply way to stop the binary sudo chmod 000 /usr/bin/transmission-gtk== panel tooltips == your cinnamon.css file of your theme, located in ~/.themes/your_theme/cinnamon/cinnamon.cssSearch (or create) this class : #Tooltip { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); color:  rgba(0,0,0,0.0); }(display: none; doesn't work). Now the tooltip is fully transparent, so unvisible.The theme could also be in /usr/share/themes. Just check in the themes settings to find the name of the theme you are using. x11vnc.service ==adding logging when manually starting  x11vnc -auth guess -forever -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc/vncpwd -rfbport 5900 -shared -oa /var/log/x11vnc.logsystemd [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/x11vnc -auth guess -forever -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc/vncpwd -rfbport 5900 -shared== Scrollbar Width ==
Bureaucrat, administrator