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GIMP 2.10.0 and newer have an updated interface.  Most annoying is that the GIMP devs are trying to be more like Adobe Photoshop.  This is a sad problem with the entire FOSS community trying to be more like the stuff the rest of us want to get away from......You can restore the old interface colors and theme to some extent:* CLICK Edit -> Preferences -> and under the Interface heading choose "Theme" -> Select the System theme.* CLICK Edit -> Preferences -> and under the Interface heading choose "Icon Theme" -> Select the Legacy theme.To remove a dialogue, select the same arrow symbol and choose Close Tab.To move a dialog to a different dock, simply click and drag the dialog tab and release it in the heading area of any dock you choose.* '''HOWTO: STRAIGHT LINE''' --- You can use pencil, paintbrush, eraser, airbrush, etc: Click and create a single dot -> hold down and maintain shift -> move to direct line -> click to complete line.*'''HOWTO: GET MY BRUSH SIZE TOOLBOX BACK''' ---  (''also known as Missing Tool Options Dockable Dialog'') you clicked or tapped something accidentally, or after a crash you no longer have the Tool Options panel which was probably previously located on the lower left size of the screen.  Now you can't see how to change the brush size, opacity, hardness or other similar options relative to whichever brush tool you're using.  You just want to get that panel back!  Easiest way is to double click on the tool you're using, like the brush tool.  Then the panel appears over on the upper right of the screen and you can drag it back to dock on the bottom left where it previously was.  Another option is to go to Windows -> Dockable Dialogs -> Tool Options.  Again, you might have to drag it from the upper right to lower left if you prefer the traditional location; it's picky in that you have to grab it by the little tab and move it to where the little tabs are on the left dock where device status, undo history, etc is probably located.=== Anti-Aliasing ===Anti-aliasing is a feature used to render smoother textures to otherwise jagged edges of an object by sampling pixels and overlapping colors from adjacent pixels, thereby rendering a smoother texture to the object.  This is commonly the default for tools such as the Text Tool in The Gimp.  In the Text Tool the common user typically wants this feature enabled.  That's fine, and expected.  However, when selecting an area of the image to crop, it is not typical to have anti-aliasing enabled. Anti-Aliasing on the Selection Tools: The surge of Gimp, why the hell do the devs enable this PITA feature by default?  For example, when you make a selection with the Ellipse Select Tool, anti aliasing is enabled by default.  You won't notice it until later when you see a scum around the part of the image you cropped away and tried to fill with another color.  Good grief!  This is something most people would NOT want by default.  You can tell devs are not application users.Selection ToolsThe four selection tools each have their own checkbox for anti-aliasing.  You have to manually uncheck it for each tool prior to making the selection.  If you noticed it too late, and try to use the UNDO tool then recrop with the same selection the software will not disable anti-aliasing even if you have it unchecked, another blunder by the Gimp devs.Image ScalingTo be able to rotate, deform or scale a floating selection with the corresponding tools we have to set Interpolation to None in the Tool Options to avoid anti-aliasing.Brush ToolsThe Paintbrush Tool "P" will have anti-aliasing enabled and only the brush hardness can have any impact on this.  When using the Pencil Tool "N" you can use a brush with no alpha channel.=== Adding Brushes ===You can add additional brushes, which is to say that using the brush tool allows you different shaped brushes.  One useful example is the shape of an arrow.  The web site has been around over 20 years and the creator has many free brushes you can download and use.  Example:  [ Brushes BW 2]After downloading the arrow brushes and extracting them into a directory, you can move them into the place where Gimp will detect them on launch.  Make sure you exit Gimp before doing this. mkdir /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/arrows cp ~/arrow_brushes_BW_2/*.gbr /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/arrowsReplace ~/arrow_brushes_BW_2/ with the location of the extracted gbr files.=== Script-Fu GIMP Script ===Another way to create arrows is using the Gimp scripting capabilities.  drawing arrow lines is just one example of using script capabilities.  In this example we will use [ arrow.scm Script-Fu GIMP Script] originally written by B-Ranger.*Exit Gimp.  *Copy either arrow.scm or arrow_V3.scm into /usr/share/gimp/2.0/scriptsThe scm file you use depends on your version of Gimp.  The arrow_V3.scm should check that you are running V2.99.14 or later.  If you are using GIMP V2.10.x you need to use file arrow.scm.To use the arrow script you have to "create paths."  If you are not familiar with creating paths start by making sure you select the "Paths Tool" which is different from the Paintbrush tool.# click on the Paths Tool# make sure the Paths Tool is set to "Design" for the paths edit mode# on canvas using Paths Tool you will have to make 3 total clicks!  First is where the head of the arrow will appear.  Second and Third define the tail direction.  For the second and third click if you do them in the same spot then you will have a straight arrow.# On Gimp menu click Tools -> Arrow -> Arrow* The arrow head will appear on the first click point you made in your path!* It is recommended you take some time to get familiar with the Paths Tool.Script '''arrow.scm''' obtained from [ › GIMP › Extending the GIMP ›  Arrow Script] by ''Berengar W. Lehr'' last revision '''13/10/2022''' is verified to work with '''Gimp version 2.10.30''' on Linux Mint 21.1 and is pretty slick to boot!==Annoyances=====Pick a layer or guide=== "Pick a layer or guide" is the default option under the "Move Tool Options" and should actually be changed to "Move the active layer."  This makes more sense when you are trying to position something within the layer you've selected.===Assumed Antialiasing Everywhere===Antialiasing always selected by default - This is so annoying.  There are a number of tools that show this by default.  Some are: Ellipse Select Tool, Free Select Tool, Scissors Select Tool, Fuzzy Select Tool, Select by Color Tool, Bucket Fill Tool, and Text Tool.  Im sure there are more.  The default status needs to be configurable.  On newer versions I have success in retaining the preference of having Anti Aliasing unchecked for most of these by going to: * Edit -> Preferences -> Tool Options and saving the tool options or having it do so on exit.* Edit -> Preferences -> Dialog Defaults -> (1) Fill Selection and (2) Stroke Selection - uncheck antialiasing'''BUG:''' (2.10.30) ''In the Dialog Defaults, when "antialiasing" is unchecked under Stroke Selection and Stroke Path Dialogs, the changes will not be retained.  Next time you go into the dialog it will be checked again!''===Now Necessary to Manually Add Alpha Channel to Layers===* No alpha channel in subsequent layers as a default - Sometimes cutting from layers fills with white -  When you cut from a layer above another, the current layer should contain a transparency where content was removed revealing image from underlying layer given that layer visually enabled.  Sometimes Gimp does not do this and instead FILLS the cut area with a color or white.  This is a change that we first noticed in version 2.10.30. In older versions, when you select and cut a section from a layer that is on top of another, what is in the layer behind it will become visible, which is the expected reasonable behavior.  Now, when you cut from the top layer you will see a filled selection of (foreground) color (typically white) which is stupid.  You have to manually add an alpha layer before you cut the selection in order to reveal what is underneath.  to resolve:* Layer -> Transparency -> Add alpha channel===New Text on New Image is Vertical or Rotated===An annoying nasty little feature of Gimp now is that it will retain any rotation setting you applied to the text tool on last use, even on a new document.  So, if three months ago you added rotated text to an image, from now on and on all new images the text tool will default to that rotation unless you change it back and Gimp saves the new setting before it Rotate or remove any rotation setting:* Right click within the text box on your image (where your text appears rotated)* select "left-to-right" from the drop down context menu===Error: Couldn't simply reduce colors further. Exporting as opaque.===Even though you have reduced the color depth to 256 prior to trying to save your image as a GIF with a transparent background, it will not succeed.  The error indicates Gimp cannot find a a free color slot to create a transparency, which it sees as another color.  Resolution:  Even though Gif is a 256 color pallet, you must use an index of 255 colors.  * Image -> Mode -> Indexed (Maximum number of colors: 255)Gimp will not open Paint Shop Pro PSP files and with the plugin it still probably won't open your PSP file.Gimp will not open [[Paint Shop Pro]] PSP files and with the plugin it still probably won't open your PSP file.