
Email Software

1,084 bytes added, 14:15, 21 March 2008
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<big>At this time no email client software that runs on Microsoft Windows is worthy of a 5 star rating.  For something that performs such a simple task, there really isn't a good candidate for quality email software.  It is time for someone to step up to the plate and develop something like Novell's Evolution for Linux that will run stable on Microsoft Windows.  Microsoft Outlook has an excellent interface (versions previous to Office XP), however, Outlook has the worst security of any email client available due to all of the windows scripting host and Internet Explorer vulnerabilities.  Microsoft is absolutely clueless when it comes to computer security.Eudora lacks all of the features of Outlook, and Mozilla Thunderbird has stability issues with large mailboxes and network installations.  If an email client was developed to run on Microsoft Windows, with a quality interface in par with Microsoft Outlook, yet no Internet Explorer Integration, and the security benefits of Mozilla Thunderbird, a small memory signature, and stable, it would be long overdue. </big>
Bureaucrat, administrator