
Movies of 2007 Review

175 bytes added, 03:47, 11 May 2008
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Remake of 1972 movie.  This one stars comic genius Ben Stiller.  At first his new wife played by Malin Akerman seems somewhat attractive and interesting, then she quickly becomes a nightmare.  Stiller's character is extremely flawed and compulsive.  This film seems like it will follow a formula to a predictable ending, then pleasantly surprises the audience with something refreshing and extremely comical.  The movie will not let you down or make you wish it hadn't been remade.  The Farrelly brothers may have outdone themselves with some help from an existing hit, remade, and worth watching.  Not cliche!Remake of 1972 movie.  This one stars comic genius Ben Stiller.  At first his new wife played by Malin Akerman seems somewhat attractive and interesting, then she quickly becomes a nightmare.  Stiller's character is extremely flawed and compulsive.  This film seems like it will follow a formula to a predictable ending, then pleasantly surprises the audience with something refreshing and extremely comical.  The movie will not let you down or make you wish it hadn't been remade.  The Farrelly brothers may have outdone themselves with some help from an existing hit, remade, and worth watching.  Not cliché! Stiller does such a good job with the character you are as frustrated with the idiot character as you are impressed with the legendary comic actors portrayal.  Many laughs.
Bureaucrat, administrator