
Movies of 2007 Review

48 bytes added, 04:05, 11 May 2008
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Another typical and predictable comedy with every nerd's dream girl Jessica Alba.  While she pretends to act, Dane Cook looks worse than he has ever looked and does a disservice to his immature acting career.  He was much better in Employee of the Month, co-staring with someone that has little acting ability, Jessica Simpson.  With that said, Simpson would have put more into the role of this film had she been cast instead of Alba, but since this film lacked a script it had no chance.  Shallow characters.  Predictable.  Formulamatic.  Much like a vegetarian dinner, it leaves you feeling empty inside and light in the head.  Watching it twice would be a violation of the Geneva convention or perhaps more effective than water-boarding.Another typical and predictable comedy with every nerd's dream girl Jessica Alba.  While she pretends to act, Dane Cook looks worse than he has ever looked and does a disservice to his immature acting career.  He was much better in [[Movies_of_2006_Review#Employee_of_the_Month|Employee of the Month]], co-staring with someone that has little acting ability, Jessica Simpson.  With that said, Simpson would have put more into the role of this film had she been cast instead of Alba, but since this film lacked a script it had no chance.  Shallow characters.  Predictable.  Formulamatic.  Much like a vegetarian dinner, it leaves you feeling empty inside and light in the head.  Watching it twice would be a violation of the Geneva convention or perhaps more effective than water-boarding.
Bureaucrat, administrator