
Movies of 2007 Review

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== There Will Be Blood ==[[Image:50star.png]]* Period DramaDaniel Day-Lewis is the driven and amoral Daniel Plainview, who rises from a man with nothing but a dirt hole and broken leg to becoming a powerful oil tycoon.  He hates people, in fact he has a total dislike, distrust, and hatred for people in general, but knows how to work their minds.  His misanthropy doesn't prevent him from connecting with people just enough to get what he wants.  He is a laborer, thinker, salesman, and visionary.  He is raising an orphaned child that he tries to install his drive into.  This child ultimately proves to resent him after the child loses his hearing in an accident.  Plainview trades his deaf son for someone claiming to be his half brother.  The impostor is a broken man with no spirit or backbone.  Plainview wants so bad to have a prodigy with his motivation and traits he embraces the impostor but ultimately figures out the truth, and punishes the impostor by killing him.  Plainview has to exercise humility, which is against his nature, to a fraud preacher to get what he wants.  In the end Plainview is alone with no child, no family prodigy, and just his money, but he gets one last moment of satisfaction in squashing his last enemy.  This movie is slow paced but always interesting, gritty, and the music and masterful cinematography plus actions of the characters tells more of the story as the sometimes sparse dialog.  We are supposed to learn from a reflection on capitalist greed and how it decays family and morality.  Yet, despite his sacrifices, Plainview meets his goals and is very accomplished, he wins, he defeats his enemies, but he loses his family.  The director of this film, Paul Thomas Anderson, also did the movie Boogie Nights.
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