
Firefox Save Image As Save Per Site Annoyance

2,375 bytes added, 01:41, 10 September 2012
/* sessionstore.js */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
It seems the issue is still not resolved.  this bug is persistent. with value set to false, ff version 14.0.1, sometimes the save directory changes (is not the previous one used) and seems related to the TLD URL, particularly noticeable with image saves.It seems the issue is still not resolved.  this bug is persistent. with value set to false, ff version 14.0.1, sometimes the save directory changes (is not the previous one used) and seems related to the TLD URL + the host, particularly noticeable with image saves. * will save differently than because the domain is relevant.* will save differently than because the host is relevant.* will save in the same path as because site paths right of the slash are irrelevant.=== sessionstore.js ===''Note that is set to false in Firefox version 15.0 for this test.''In a test, after several image saves from different sites, a subsiquent image save suddenly requested a path different from the previous saves.  The site was '' which seemed to trigger the Firefox site memory bug.  Using the windows XP search tool, searching for files containing the text string 'starpulse' resulted in a match on sessionstore.js file.  Windows XP path:  C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uoi53d54.default\sessionstore.jsThis is a text readable file you can open in windows notepad.  Within is a rich history tracking your online activity.  The search engine query string that was clicked with lead to the search result on and additional data are all present in the file.  What's NOT in the file is the local path to which was 'remembered' by Firefox.Conclusion: Although this file contains suspiciously relevant data, it doesn't seem to relate to the file save path.=== untested hypothesis: retention prior to parameter change ===Since it seems that only certain sites are impacted by the glitch, and more are not than are, it is possible that prior to the parameter being set to false, the site to path values that were set are being retained after the value of the parameter has been set to false.On a fresh installation of Windows, with a fresh installation of Firefox, and having set to false immediately prior to any files or images have been downloaded, perhaps the glitch would never manifest.  If it could be known where these associations are stored, that file could be erased, or the data cleared.  It is known that it has nothing to do with clearing the download history nor does it have to do with clearing the browser cache.  These associations seem to be kept 'somewhere' and are not plain text.* [Mentions clearing Site Preferences]* [ Mentions clearing Site Preferences]* [Explains the Bug Very Well and Includes Details on How the URI Data is Saved]* [ Explains the Bug Very Well and Includes Details on How the URI Data is Saved]
Bureaucrat, administrator