
Windows Registry VB6

1,170 bytes added, 13:30, 2 February 2008
/* Advanced Windows 32 Base API DLL (advapi32.dll) */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
Step 3:<BR>Usage.Here are some usage examples:  <nowiki>'REGISTRY: load default storybook open path</nowiki>  <nowiki>strRetval = modREgKeYmAker.GetSettingEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\My Software Name\s2album", "DefaultStorybookPath")</nowiki>  <nowiki>If strRetval = "" Then strStorytelling = strMyDocuments & "\EA Games\The Sims 2\Storytelling" Else strStorytelling = strRetval</nowiki>  <nowiki>  </nowiki>  <nowiki>'REGISTRY: SetDefaultToLastUsedPath</nowiki>  <nowiki>strRetval = modREgKeYmAker.GetSettingEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\My Software Name\s2album", "SetDefaultToLastUsedPath")</nowiki>  <nowiki>If strRetval = "True" Then blnSetDefaultToLastUsedPath = True Else blnSetDefaultToLastUsedPath = False</nowiki>  <nowiki>'REGISTRY: LoadImageCacheWarning is for strShowICWOption and blnShowICW</nowiki>  <nowiki>strRetval = modREgKeYmAker.GetSettingEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\My Software Name\s2album", "LoadImageCacheWarning")</nowiki>  <nowiki>If strRetval = "" Then strShowICWOption = "True" Else strShowICWOption = strRetval</nowiki>  <nowiki>If strShowICWOption = "True" Then blnShowICW = True Else blnShowICW = False</nowiki>
Bureaucrat, administrator