
Decline of Hollywood and Western Cinema

2,382 bytes added, 03:49, 6 February 2023
/* Give the Reboot the Boot! */
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Sequel overkill is nothing new to the industry.   Sequel overkill is nothing new to the industry.  This is purely economically driven.  Audiences want more and more to a story even when the story is tapped completely out and has lost all degree of plausibility, defying any intelligence. Audiences just can't get enough of their hero even if the hero is dead they are willing to accept it was "all a dream," or the hero didn't actually die despite circumstances not actually leaving any room for believable survival.  People pay to watch this drivel, it is easy to make, and the risk is low for the industry. Prequel proposes to provide the story before the story.  The concept inflates industry giants fragile egos since a prequel is so damn clever as it is not just another sequel, because it actually happened first.  This even solves the problem of the dead hero, since now we can go back in time to a point before the hero died.  Writers and directors either tie everything together so neatly that it feels weak and contrived or they are sloppy and ignore details.  Either way, it usually results in once again insulting the intelligence of audiences.  Furthermore, the backstory or origins of these characters and their world can often destroy some of the mystery that made the original film even better.  Have you ever watched a prequel and thought, "that is not how I imagined their beginnings nor was this backstory even very satisfying?"   Reboot and old movie and tell the story utilizing modern resources so that the special effects are better and the characters are more identifiable to our time might sound like a worthy goal.  There are a few examples where this has been pulled off effectively, just not in the last few years.  About the time that industry people started to use the cringeworthy term "reboot" is the same time when you could count on every so called reboot being a miserable failure.  Producers seem to think retelling a story using a different actor might make the hero even better if the same story is just retold with more modern CGI and contemporary influences.  They are wrong, and there are absolutely no recent exceptions.  If you even hear someone mention the word "reboot" then don't waste your money or your time.  The reboot rightfully deserves the boot, out of existence so it is no longer in our vernacular.  After all, a motion picture is not a personal computer and if you make another reboot you deserve the blue screen of death.