
Kubuntu and Ubuntu Linux Distribution Reference

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== Gnome -vs- KDE ==When you install Ubuntu Linux the distribution the default windows manager is Gnome using the Unity shell.  Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment.  Unity is not a collection of applications like Gnome, rather is designed to use existing programs.  For users preferring KDE then a specific Ubuntu distribution, Kubuntu, provides a default KDE windows manager.  If you are Kubuntu and you want to install Unity: sudo apt-get install unityIf you are Kubuntu and you want entire Gnome and Unity: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktopIf you have both installed you can configure the default windows manager: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdmor sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdmTo install KDE, you install one of the following packages: kde-plasma-desktopThis will only install a minimal core of KDE apps and utilities. Good if you want to use KDE but don't need all the applications and utilities that come with it. kde-fullThis will install a more full range of KDE applications and utilities.And kubuntu-desktopThis installs the full Kubuntu desktop which includes the full KDE suite, plus all of Ubuntu's "Kubuntu" look and feel,
Bureaucrat, administrator