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The Windows Live ID is a Microsoft account, which is tied into one or more of any number of products including Hotmail, Windows Live, Xbox gaming and Outlook.   The Windows Live ID is a Microsoft account, which is tied into one or more of any number of products including Hotmail, Windows Live, Xbox gaming, OneDrive (''their crappy cloud storage'') and Outlook.   == Switch Back to a Local Account if you have a Live ID ==Open Settings in Microsoft Windows 10 and go to the Account group of settings. In the Your Account section, click "Sign in with a local account instead".  Windows will make you verify your Microsoft account by entering your Live ID password.  Click NEXT.Now you can enter a name, a password, and a password hint to create the local account. You must use a username that isn’t already being used on the current system. Click NEXT.Now choose "Sign out and finish."  When your computer restarts you can select the account you just created and enter the password you set for it. Inside, things will be exactly as they were before for your user profile.
Bureaucrat, administrator