
Firefox Save Image As Save Per Site Annoyance

925 bytes added, 01:41, 10 September 2012
/* sessionstore.js */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
=== untested hypothesis: retention prior to parameter change ===Since it seems that only certain sites are impacted by the glitch, and more are not than are, it is possible that prior to the parameter being set to false, the site to path values that were set are being retained after the value of the parameter has been set to false.On a fresh installation of Windows, with a fresh installation of Firefox, and having set to false immediately prior to any files or images have been downloaded, perhaps the glitch would never manifest.  If it could be known where these associations are stored, that file could be erased, or the data cleared.  It is known that it has nothing to do with clearing the download history nor does it have to do with clearing the browser cache.  These associations seem to be kept 'somewhere' and are not plain text.
Bureaucrat, administrator