All Things MP3

Revision as of 15:15, 21 June 2015 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


When you listen to mp3 audio music from a playlist you may notice how some songs are more quiet than others. The encoder may have set the input gain too low. On the other hand, some audio files are extremely loud. This is the result of an input gain too high. The same song from two different sources may have entirely different loudness levels. Normalization is the process of analyzing music files and adjusting the gain so that all play at relatively the same loudness. Normalization works great on files with too low of a gain. However, files with excessive gain may be distorted. Distortion occurs if the encoder set the input gain too high past the point of distortion. Such distorted mp3 audio files should be deleted as there is no remedy to recover the audio quality. Distortion blows speakers, not volume!



MP3Gain is a program that will nalyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume.

MP3 Tag Editor

MP3 audio files have header information that is readable by MP3 players. This header information includes Name of Song and Artist along with other details and meta data.

Since people create their own mp3 files and trade them on the net, these tags often contain erroneous data. This is because some people don't care, and other people are stupid. Sometimes the tag metadata is simply absent.



Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files.


This is really good software and completely free. The author accepts donations.

MP3 Playlist Editor

Playlist Creator 3.6

oddgravity Playlist Creator - Playlist Creator is a simple single purpose tool that enables you to create playlists of your music files. You don't have to recreate your playlist every time you want to make changes to it. Just open the existing playlist file, make the changes you want and save the playlist. Combining several playlists into a single big playlist is quite simple as well: Insert as many existing playlist files to your current playlist as you like and save the playlist.

MP3 Encoder

Last modified on 21 June 2015, at 15:15