RegEx and Vim Cookbook

Revision as of 16:08, 22 August 2012 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Instead of running Vim in a terminal window, you might want to run it in a graphical shell, ie the GUI version of Vim for Windows and Linux, GVim. It has configurable menus and toolbars that make the program's most essential features easily accessible with a mouse. It also lets you use native file dialogs and gives you the ability to resize buffer panes by clicking and dragging. The equivalent for Mac OS X is MacVim, which provides a native Cocoa user interface, including menu integration.

Delete all lines containing a pattern

The ex command g is very useful for acting on lines that match a pattern. You can use it with the d command, to delete all lines that contain a particular pattern, or all lines that do not contain a pattern.

For example, to delete all lines containing "profile" (the first command is optional; it shows the lines that the second command will delete):


More complex patterns can be used, such as deleting all lines that are empty or that contain only whitespace:


To delete all lines that do not contain a pattern, use g!, like this command to delete all lines that are not comment lines in a Vim script:


Note that g! is equivalent to v, so you could also do the above with:


The next example shows use of \| ("or") to delete all lines except those that contain "error" or "warn" or "fail" (:help pattern):


Line Feed and Carriage Return

Convert all tabs in a file to a CRLF


Note: UNIX uses LF (line feed) while Macintosh previously used CR (carriage return) and Microsoft uses CRLF (\r\n).


Last modified on 22 August 2012, at 16:08