Annoyances of Windows 8 and 8.1

Revision as of 11:03, 11 June 2015 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

The first major group of annoyance correction you can make to Windows 8 is to upgrade to Windows 8.1. Windows 8 can be thought of as a bit of a flop much like Windows Vista.

Get Windows 10 popup notification

A popup notification in the Windows taskbar installed by a misleading fraudulent update.

To remove the Get Windows 10 popup notification follow the instructions in KB3035583.

Legacy Documentation: Old Annoyances Still Persist

Some well documented Windows Annoyances of the past still exist in current versions of the operating system and the resolution still applicable from the older guides. For example, some of the resolutions in our Annoyances of Windows 2000/XP still work in newer versions of Microsoft Windows. Some steps are slightly different but close enough to be of assistance when reviewing the legacy documentation. See all of our Windows Annoyances pages.

Last modified on 11 June 2015, at 11:03