SWIARC Saturday Noon Swap Net

Revision as of 12:49, 1 September 2018 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

EN21 Area Repeater 146.820 - Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio Club

NOTICE: This wiki has been offline for a longer than expected duration. Now back, we will start getting the classifieds posted here again. Look for new classifieds starting in July! Thank you for your patience.



This is one of the EN21 Verified Area Nets.


Please be courteous and review our guidelines.



Ham radio items are offered for sale during this amateur radio net. The net itself is a hybrid of general conversation and commerce. Those with items are generally first on the list when called to speak. What is allowed is the casual sale of ham radio items. Individuals are asked to refrain from offering for sale non-ham related items including C.B., cellular phone, and stereo Hi-Fi. Update on Computers: A computer is allowed if the computer is set up for use with ham radio, including having ham radio software installed. Commercial entities such as electronic store owners are not to use the net to advertise trade specific items.


Repeat offenders to the guidelines will have all listings including listing history removed from the classifieds. Egregious violators will be subject to their transmission recorded and submitted to a Nebraska Section Official Observer. Remember, you as an amateur operator are responsible for knowing the regulations.

T h e   S w a p - N e t   L e g a c y

Although Rich (wa0zqg) did not launch the SWIARC Saturday Noon Swapnet, he is the driving force that has kept it running for many years now. Thank you Rich!

Keep up with what's for sale on the SWIARC Classified. All items from the noon swap net are listed here for your convenience. You may have to clear browser cache or reload to view the latest items added to this list.

TIP TO SELLERS OR THOSE SEEKING CONTACT: Just saying "I'm good on QRZ" does not serve you well. You should want to make it EASY and EFFICIENT for interested parties to contact you. It is RECOMMENDED (but not required) that you provide a telephone number and email address or as a substitute for email you can use the QRZ idiom. However, if you truly want to be contacted only by message in a bottle or via carrier pigeon, we will be happy to oblige.



note: archived classifieds are not maintained (ie: no removal, strike through or revision)


Visit the Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio Club web site.

Question: Why the (at) instead of @ in our email address?
Answer: So you don't get as much spam. You're welcome! It's a compromise, it won't stop all harvesting but it is less likely to confuse than other methods.

Last modified on 1 September 2018, at 12:49