Talk:Decline of Hollywood and Western Cinema

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The study of motion pictures movies filmography cinema

Why do modern TV shows and movies depict men as weaker and women as unnaturally and forcefully tough?

Halloweenville Aug 28

Not just movies, but Sitcoms as well, in fact they are even more cringe. Just take the Goldberg's, every male character is a Simp , and all the female characters are put on pedestals. It’s set in the 80’s, when men did not behave like this., and the idea of men being Simps today is frowned upon MORE. Hanging on every girls whim is seen as creepy and weak..

Also notice the amount of unwarranted empowerment displayed by so many women today, you will often hear them saying “I did this because i am a strong woman”, or “I am PROUD to be a woman doing this regular job. as if being a women gives them super human powers, instead of just making them half the human population by natural birth.

It’s the reason men are now not dating Woke feminist women, and these women are crying into an ice cream tub every night. Equality doesn’t exist between the sexes, because men are different to women. the only thing that should be equal among us, is being able to recognise all our unique differences. without pretending we are superior to the other, Feminism preaches empowerment, but only for the benefit of WOMEN. so the opposite of equality and inclusion then, the irony is strong.

Last modified on 5 February 2023, at 12:18