CLI The PHP Command Line Interface

PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'

▫ Allows you to parse and execute files by using parameter -f fol-
▫       lowed by the name of the file to be executed.
▫       Using  parameter -r you can directly execute PHP code sim-
▫       ply as you would do inside a  .php  file  when  using  the
▫       eval() function.
▫       If  none  of -r or -f is present but a single parameter is
▫       given then this parameter is  taken  as  the  filename  to
▫       parse  and  execute  (same as with -f). If no parameter is
▫       present then the standard input is read and executed.
▫ PHP's Command Line Interface first showed up in PHP 4.2.0, as experimental
▫ functionality.  With PHP 4.3.0 the CLI became an official server API.
Last modified on 23 May 2007, at 19:35