HF ham radio transceiver.
- Hy-Gain 3750,
- National RJX-1011D,
- Panasonic RJX-1011D
Among the vintage classics is the beautiful Hy-Gain 3750 HF transceiver. Originally in the U.S. market this radio was sold as the National RJX-1011D and some identical units were even labeled Panasonic!
Capable of operating on the pre-WARC bands in SSB and CW modes only. The Hy-Gain logo is displayed on an anodized aluminum front panel, a company formerly located in Lincoln Nebraska. This Hy-Gain is actually a National RJX-1011D.
A former employee of Hy-Gain said the Achilles is basically a fuse buried deep within the main transformer that, when blown, is not easily replaced. It was advertised as 200w however actually put out 100w transmit and an input power of 200w. The finals are a pair of S2002 (6kD6) beam power pentode tubes.
The 3750 includes a digital frequency display that can be calibrated against the WWW 10MHz signal, voice operated relay (VOX) operation, break-in keying, special interference suppression circuits, and an automatic gain control (AGC) with selectable time constants.
Excerpt from a 1976 73′ Magazine Advertisement:
There is no substitute for qualify, performance, or the satisfaction of owning the very best. Hence, the incomparable Hy-Gain 3750 Amateur transceiver. The 3750 covers all amateur bands 1.8-30 MHz (160-10 meters). It utilizes advanced Phase-Lock- Loop circuitry with dual gate MOS FETs at all critical RF amplifier and mixer stages. There's a rotating dial for easy band-scanning and an electronic frequency counter with digital readout and a memory display that remembers frequencies at the Rip of a switch. And that's just the beginning. Matching speaker unit (3854) and complete external VFO (3855) also available. See the incomparable Hy-Gain 3750 at your radio dealer or write Department MM* There is no substitute. 3750 -$1895.00 We keep people talking. Hy-Gain Electronics Corporation 8601 Northeast Highway Six; Lincoln, NE 68505 ©1976 Hy-Gain