Lego Duplo

Duplo The word "DUPLO" comes from the Latin duplus, which means double.


Peeron is a site with LEGO and Lego Duplo Inventories they describe as a partial listing of the parts in official LEGO sets, with illustrations of parts where possible and cross-referencing to show what (inventoried) sets include a given part. For example, Set # 1021-1: Duplo Basic Set show info on many duplo bricks. Site navigation takes some study.

Duplo Minifigs

Duplo Figures are People also known as Minifigs.

illustration: some contemporary minifig examples.


Those who are crafty can reconfigure your own minfigs. All you need is a metal pin or smooth side of a drill bit to push out the hip pin in your minfig. Once removed, everything comes apart easily, except the head. Use a set of needle nose pliers to close the inside of the neck and the head and hair/hat will separate for the torso and each other. You can now reconfigure as you like.

ref: Zen Lego Duplo Page

Duplo Elements

For a good Reference of duplo bricks / elements / parts see:

Duplo Car and Train Base

The official lego web site refers to the car base or train base as the "wagon," however, there are actual duplo wagon elements that are entirely different from the chassis style element discussed here. On eBay it is expressed the following ways:

  • duplo car base
  • duplo train base
  • duplo wagon
  • duplo wheel base
  • duplo train base with wheels
  • duplo chassis
  • duplo truck chassis

Peeron describes the standard vehicle base as: Duplo Vehicle Car Base 2 x 6 with Hitches. There are a variety of sizes, common descriptors include: Duplo Vehicle Car Base with Hitches, Duplo Train Base. Search for the following root descriptors:

illustration: some examples of the car or train base variety

Value: the standard yellow wheel base chassis with red wheels is worth approx $2.00. Less common chassis types increase in value. The average price is $7.00.

Some designations are a nomenclature, for example, the wagon "wheel base" is sometimes called a "train base" whereas there is a distinction between the type with regular wheels and those with train wheels meant for riding on the duplo train track pieces.

Duplo Sets

It is difficult to find a good cross reference of duplo sets. The official Lego Duplo web site is style over function. Here are some useful sources of visual and detail information on various duplo brick sets.

  • ToysPeriod - more of a historical database of sets, but somewhat useful in identification of contemporary sets and components.
  • Lego Education - A UK site that has a search tool, you can enter the set number and see visual information and some detail on current available sets.

Vendors and Merchants

Keeping track of vendors and merchants with reasonable pricing.

Generic Set Cost-Per-Brick analysis:

CPB   Condition Description             Set Name                         Source
.28   NEW       550 pieces for $153.99  XL BULK SET             ($142.96 + $11.03 s/h)
.29   NEW       200 pieces for $58.99   LEGO Duplo 5511 XXL Box (free s/h)
.30   NEW       144 pieces for $42.99   LEGO Lego Duplo Bulk Set         Walmart Online / Wayfair (unknown s/h)
.30   NEW       144 pieces for $43.68   LEGO Lego Duplo Bulk Set ($34.99 + $8.69 s/h)
.36   NEW       144 pieces for $51.48   Lego Duplo Bulk Set LG-9027 ($41.49 + $9.99 s/h)
.40   NEW       80 pieces for $31.99    LEGO Duplo Building Fun (5548)   ToysRUs (unknown s/h)
.42   NEW       71 pieces for $29.88    LEGO Bricks & More DUPLO- Bri... Walmart Online (unknown s/h)

Our research shows anything under 30 cents per element is very good.

DUPLO Bulk Set LG-9027 by Lego

Extra building plates, and decorated and curved bricks - just what every young designer needs. 144 pieces.

DUPLO XL Bulk Set LG-9090 by Lego

Large Lego Duplo bulk set provides enough bricks to equip an entire preschool! Featuring many new colors and elements this set provides teacher with an exceptional value and will be in your child care center for years to come. Buy in bulk and save! 550 elements.

Used Duplo By-The-Brick

Miscellaneous Sets

An Online Marketplace for Duplo and Lego Collectors

This is like an "eBay" for duplo collectors. Purchase figures, bricks, hard to find elements, etc.

Last modified on 27 January 2015, at 18:21