Netflix Video Stream Capture

This page is new and in foundation mode.

Microsoft Silverlight

Netflix's change to Microsoft's Silverlight-based streaming player has rendered the original Netflix stream capture methods inoperative. Researching stream capture from Netflix on the web produces a lot of useless information on capturing streams using techniques involving the cURL utility or a Grease Monkey Plugin script for Firefox. These methods have been nullified by the Netflix change to using Microsoft Sliverlight as their latest delivery system for streaming video to your PC.

Silverlight makes most previous Netflix capture impossible.

Windows Media Encoder

This way is verified to work with the latest Microsoft Silverlight Netflix streaming movie system.

You can use UScreenCapture with Windows Media Encoder.

WME starts with a wizard page that has a screen catpure selection. Select the capture option that projects a flashing capture box on-screen. Increase both the frame and bit rates from the wizard's default to make them more appropriate for full-motion video - 24 FPS and 2400 Kbps. Start your video streaming source windowed, NOT FULL SCREEN.

Blank Video or Black Video during capture

Capturing Video During the Screen Capture If you plan to capture full-motion video during your screen-capture session, disable your computer's hardware acceleration. If you do not disable hardware acceleration, you may notice a black screen where you expect the video to display.

To disable hardware acceleration

  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Click Appearance and Themes, click Display, and then click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Advanced, and then click the Troubleshoot tab.
  4. Note the current settings, so that you can reset them after you complete the screen capture.
  5. For Hardware acceleration, drag the slider to None, and then click Apply.


How to save streaming netflix video

Stream Ripping via a Script (no longer viable due to Silverlight)

CAVEAT: The new Silverlight-based Netflix viewer now prevents the capture of the entire Netflix stream by repeatedly opening and closing the stream, putting an end to that exploit. Silverlight has its own DRM system too.

VLC Option:



  • Replay Media Capture (someone claims this captures Netflix with Silverlight)
  • Tunebite captures video streaming including Netflix.
  • FRAPS - captures all video and sound when you have your movie in fullscreen ·link 1·
  • Camstudio - (possibly spyware)


The problem with FRAPS is that it creates massive uncompressed AVI file(s).

30 fps, disable "Record external input"

From FRAPS* support, "The filesize is big because there isn't enough time to encode the movie while the game is running. The movie frames are slightly compressed, but still require a large amount of disk space due to the high resolutions. Once you have finished capturing you should convert the saved AVI into one of the popular compressed movie formats such as mpeg or divx. Recommended programs for doing this are tmpgenc (Tsunami Mpeg Encoder), and VirtualDub."

  • note: FRAPS support and developers do not support the use of using FRAPS to capture Copyright video. The capture information they provide is for screen capture in general, not for capturing copyright content.

The Fraps codec (FPS1) is put on the system when you install Fraps. If you've reinstalled Windows you will also need to reinstall Fraps in order to play back your movies.

Please keep in mind that if you want to give your raw footage to another person they will also need to have Fraps installed.

  • The maximum length the demo will record is 30 seconds with a water mark. FRAPS is Payware and has to be registered to record longer.

Audials Tunebite 8.0

Recording Any Streaming Movie

1. Open Tunebite

2. Select the Capture tab, if not already chosen

3. Select the Proper Convert Format - I use Optimized for burning to a DVD (Mp3 AVI)

4. Select format quality - I use AVI - XVID 720p HD Highest Quality (See below)

5. Leave audio at MP3 - keep original quality

6. You can save these settings with the save button and give them a name

7. Open IE and go to your Netflix account – Reduce the window size so you can see behind it

8. Important - Keep Tunebite and Netflix on the same monitor screen, if you use dual monitors

9. Click on the Tunebite Screen Recording tab – select auto on the pop up

10. Place the Netflix window in the middle of the screen

11. The Tunebite screen capture window will be above with the start button on it

12. Select your Netflix movie and click play, Video is tested then buffering

13. Click on Tunebite's screen capture start button once the movie starts or is close to it. I pause the movie just before it starts so I can start the capture process then play the movie.

14. When the movie starts make sure the audio and video are sync'd right away or else stop the movie and restart everything

15. Important - Make sure nothing is on top of the Netflix movie window, not even the mouse icon. Leave your PC alone until the movie is finished

16. When the movie is done Tunebite will Finalize the file and close the capturing process.

17. On later Windows programs the file will be in your my videos/audials recorded webvideos folder with a Netflix name, rename it as you desire leaving the AVI extension alone.

Format quality customizing

1. You can customize a format quality in step 4

2. Click on the double arrow on the right side of your chosen quality on the quality choosing window

3. Click on the pop up that appears, a windows displays showing adjustable features

4. You can modify a quality and save the new settings in your own custom quality with the save button as in step 6 above

5. You can do this to the audio quality also in step 5



Last modified on 16 December 2023, at 18:14