In Spanish, all vowels are pronounced the same. Proper pronunciation of the vowel sounds allows one to speak nearly any Spanish word so that it may be understood.
- In Spanish, A is like the 'ah' in 'haha', or 'awe'.
- In Spanish, E is like the long a, like the 'a' in 'hay'.
- In Spanish, I is like the long e, like the 'ee' in 'keep'.
- In Spanish, O is more or less a short 'o', the 'o' in 'or'.
- In Spanish, U is like the 'oo' in 'zoo'.
- In Spanish, H is silent. Hotel is 'O-tell'.
- In Spanish, J is the 'H' sound. Jalapeño, is 'haw-la-pain-yo'.
- In Spanish, Ñ is a sound like 'nyuh' like in the above example.
- In Spanish, RR is a rolling 'r'. This usually takes practice. Try purring like a cat.
- In Spanish, B is frequently pronounced like the letter 'V'
- In Spanish, V is frequently pronounced like the letter 'B'
- In Spanish, G is pronounced with an 'H' sound unless in front of a 'U' like guacamole, then it is 'GW'.
- Hello / Hola
- Goodbye / Adios
- Good morning/good day / Buenos dias
- Good afternoon / Buenas tardes
- Good evening/night / Buenas noches
- How are you? / Como esta usted?
- Very well thank you / Muy bien, gracias
- See you soon / Hasta luego
- That’s all right / Esta bien
- Don’t worry / No se preocupe
- ¿Qué pasa? / What's Up?
Useful Statements
- I (don’t) like it / (No) me gusta
- I’m not sure / No estoy seguro
- I don’t know / No se
- I think so / Creo que si
- I’m hungry (thirsty) / Tengo hambre (sed)
- I’m tired / Estoy cansado
- I’m ready / Estoy listo
- Leave me alone / Dejame solo por favor
- Just one minute / Un minuto por favor
- One moment please / Un momento por favor
- Come in / Adelante
- It’s cheap (expensive) / Es barato (caro)
- It’s cold (hot) / Hace frio (calor)
- It’s too much / Es demasiado
- That’s all / Es todo
- Thank you for your help / Gracias por tu ayuda
- Taxi please / Taxi por favor
- Before (After) / Antes (Despues)
- Early (Late) / Temprano (Tarde)
- First (Last) / Primero (Ultimo)
- Here (There) / Aqui (Alli)
- Now (Then) / Ahora (Entonces)
- Small (Large) / Pequeño (Grande)
- Empty (Full) / Vacio (Lleno)
- Few (Many) / Pocos (Muchos)
- More (Less) / Mas (Menos)
- Beautifu l(Ugly) / Bonito (Feo)
- Better (Worse) / Mejor (Peor)
- Clean (Dirty) / Limpio (Sucio)
- Cold (Hot) / Frio (Caliente)
- Free (Taken) / Libre (Ocupado)
- Open (Closed) / Abierto (Cerrado)
Common Phrases
- Yes / Si
- No / No
- Please / Por favor
- Thank you / Gracias
- You’re welcome / De nada
- No thank you / No gracias
- Sorry / Perdone
- What is your name? / Como se llama?
- My name is ___ / Me llamo ___
Language Problems
- Do you speak English? / Habla Ingles?
- Do you understand me? / Me entiende?
- I don’t speak Spanish / No hablo Español
- Please speak slowly / Hable despacio por favor
- I don’t understand / No entiendo
- Where is(are)? / Donde esta(estan)?
- When? / Cuando?
- Who? / Quien?
- Why? / Por que?
- What? / Que?
- How much is (are)? Cuanto es(son)?
- How far? / Que distancia hay?
- I want (would like...) / Quiero...
- What is the matter? / Que pasa?
- Can you help me? / Puede usted ayudarme?
- Can you show me? / Puede usted enseñarme?
- Can you tell me? / Puede usted decirme?
In A Restaurant
- I’ve reserved a table / Reserve una mesa
- Waiter(Waitress) / Camarero(Camarera)
- May I have the menu? / El menu por favor?
- May I have the wine list? / La lista de vinos?
- I’d like... / Quiero...
- A little more / Un poco mas
- What will you drink? / Que desea beber?
- This is bad / No esta buena
- One beer please / Una cerveza por favor
- Glass of water / Un vaso de aqua
- Ice (cubes) / Hielo
- The bill please / La cuenta por favor
- Cheers! / Salud!
- Breakfast / El desayuno
- Lunch / El almuerzo
- Dinner / La comida(la cena)