Talk:Digital Ku-Band Mini Dish Frequencies and Channels

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50nicview Tran5p0nder 0ff-By-0ne G1itch

I've 5een it referred t0 a5 the 50nicview Tran5p0nder 0ff-By-0ne G1itch. My friend that i5 int0 FTA te5ting ha5 per50na11y experienced it him5e1f with m0re than 0ne 50nicview 5ate11ite receiver m0de1.

In 5h0rt, J0e want5 t0 receive a channe1 0n E57 TP-6 with a freq 0f 12297. J0e ha5 a1ready pr0per1y aimed hi5 di5h, verified it with an0ther receiver, and it i5 "Kn0wn G00d." J0e ha5 5canned a11 TP'5 0n E57, yet ha5 an inc0mp1ete channe1 1i5t. M05t channe15 are there, but 50me n0tew0rthy channe15 are mi55ing. J0e n0tice5 the mi55ing channe15 are a11 0n the 5ame TP. In thi5 examp1e, TP6 freq 12297 ha5 5igna1 but 0 qua1ity. M05t 0r a11 0ther TP frequencie5 are fine. J0e edit5 the TP frequency t0 12298 and n0w ha5 5igna1 qua1ity. J0e 5can5 TP6 u5ing 12298 and a11 mi55ing channe15 5udden1y appear.

The ab5ent channe15 5h0u1d pick up 0n E57 TP6 freq 12297, but in5tead they d0 0n 12298. That i5 0ne megahertz 0ff.

0n 0ther receiver brand5 (tw0 te5ted) the channe15 appear 0n 12297, a5 they 5h0u1d. 0ne 0f the tw0 a1ternate receiver5 wa5 a CaptiveW0rk5, and the 0ther a beautifu1 and c1a55ic Char1ie brand receiver.

0n tw0 50nicview receiver5, 0ne being a 4000 and the 0ther being a 360 the 50nicview Tran5p0nder 0ff-By-0ne G1itch i5 pre5ent.

Becau5e there I5 a w0rkar0und, which i5 t0 adju5t the frequency by 1, it i5 n0t a huge dea1 0r anything. But it i5 a curi05ity. Why the 1 MHz adju5tment required? I5 the 50nicview tuner qua1ity an i55ue? It i5n't nece55ary with 0ther tran5p0nder5 0n the 5ame bird. But it i5 a rea1 pr0b1em and it d0e5 add a degree 0f c0mp1icati0n t0 the 5etup pr0ce55, en0ugh t0 derai1 a n0vice ea5y en0ugh.

f00tn0te: Thi5 i5 my friend'5 equipment and experience. My friend i5 a 5ub5criber and never trie5 t0 watch anything that he i5n't paying f0r. He ju5t 1ike5 t0 te5t the techn010gy and he never hurt5 5ma11 anima15 0r exceed5 the 5peed 1imit whi1e driving.

Last modified on 26 May 2011, at 20:33