Talk:PULSAR: Lost Colony

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log file locations in general

Location 1: Player log showing errors and game crash log location

~/.config/unity3d/Leafy Games, LLC/PULSAR_LostColony/

Files appear as Player.log and Player-crash.log or similar

Location 2: Unity analytics

~/.config/unity3d/Leafy Games, LLC/PULSAR_LostColony/Unity/ xxxxx

Location 3: player voice communication / Team Speak


VOX Audio Player Communication Failure

You have game sounds such as the environment, ship, gun fire, etc however you can not hear the other players when they speak.

The game uses a built in Teamspeak (ts3).

Sound device attachments:

lsof | grep snd

for Pulsar

lsof | grep PULSAR

Location of ts3 Team Speak log

ls ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/PULSARLostColony/logs/

These logs are separate from the game binary log files and only relate to the voice communication component of the game. They are generated by the Team Speak engine. They are very useful in troubleshooting.

If you see audio devices appear as red in the game audio settings try testing from console

aplay -Dtee:\'plughw:0,0\',/tmp/alsatee.out,raw /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav

A healthy lsof of sound devices on working system

      Output information may be incomplete.
pulseaudi 23791 xxxxx  mem    CHR  116,3           512 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
pulseaudi 23791 xxxxx   42u   CHR  116,3      0t0  512 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
PULSAR_Lo 25481 xxxxx  mem    CHR  116,9           550 /dev/snd/pcmC1D0c
PULSAR_Lo 25481 xxxxx  104u   CHR  116,9      0t0  550 /dev/snd/pcmC1D0c

Output from device or resource busy error

pulseaudi 1248 xxxxx  mem    CHR  116,9           631 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
pulseaudi 1248 xxxxx   47u   CHR  116,9      0t0  631 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
PULSAR_Lo 8261 xxxxx  mem    CHR 116,10           632 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
PULSAR_Lo 8261 xxxxx   72u   CHR 116,10      0t0  632 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c

SteamOS Pulsar looking for under newroot

You have enabled "compatibility mode" for Pulsar Lost Colony in the Steam Launcher. Right click on the launcher and uncheck "compatibility mode".

SteamOS uses switch_root in compatibility mode, which is useful if you manually wish to configure paths to devices or drivers.

Unity Mono General Crappyness

From Unity 4, Linux is supported target platform for Unity games. Since Unity is based on Mono, only appropriate Linux executable needed. For older Unity 5+ games before Metal, porting from Mac version can alleviate the problems with pink shaders, since instead of DirectX/Direct3D HLSL shaders common OpenGL GLSL shaders were used. OpenGL, OpenGLES or Vulkan rendering is mostly functional.

Mod Installation

To install mods first download and run the pulsar mod loader bootstrapper.

If it fails, then open Assembly-Csharp.dll (located in steamapps\common\PULSARLostColony\PULSAR_LostColony_Data\Managed) with the bootstrapper.

Then place a copy of all mods you wish to install in the plugins folder (steamapps\common\PULSARLostColony\PULSAR_LostColony_Data\Managed\plugins).

To uninstall those mods remove them from that folder.

Opening the assembly with the bootstrapper can be done by having both file locations open side by side and dragging and dropping the assembly file onto the bootstrapper

pulse audio update

command line option

Last modified on 1 April 2021, at 22:18