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cifs and samba

SAMBA was originally SMB Server - but the name had to be changed due to SMB Server being an actual product. SMB was the predecessor to CIFS. SMB "server message block" and CIFS "common internet file system" are protocols. Samba implements CIFS network protocol. This is what allows Samba to communicate with (newer) MS Windows systems. Typically you will see it referred to SMB/CIFS. However, CIFS is the extension of the SMB protocol so if someone is sharing out SMB via Samba to a legacy system still using NetBIOS it will typically connect to the Samba server via port 137, 138, 139 and CIFS is strictly port 445.

So to answer your question directly Samba provides CIFS file shares. The time when you might use SMB over CIFS is if you are providing access to Windows 2K systems or earlier or you just want to connect to port 139 instead of 445.


the difference between the smbfs and cifs file system type of the mount command on Linux

If your question is meant as "what is the difference between the smbfs and cifs file system type of the mount command on Linux?" then I have an answer for you.

The file system smbfs is an older FS, originating form the Samba project, that was heavily coupled with the Samba tools (smb.conf, smbmount, etc.). This file system has been deprecated though not yet removed for backward compatibility, although users should see warnings when using it (at least for the first mount use). There is no maintainer for the smbfs.

The file system cifs is the newer file system in the Kernel. It has improved support (like SMB2 though still experimental) and is properly maintained. It does not rely on Samba tooling (like smb.conf).


mounting a windows share in ubuntu by Derek Winterstien

First I had to install cifs-utils

# apt-get cifs-utils

Then I had to edit fstab

# vi fstab

added the following line

//apollo/video/ /mnt/video cifs username=readonly,password=readonly,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  0

apollo is the name of the file server. readonly is the user

Then I had to tell ubuntu how to resolve the netbios name "apollo" by editing the /etc/hosts file. Just make an entry for apollo

# vi /etc/hosts

added          apollo

Now to test:

mount -a
Last modified on 27 February 2014, at 08:59