Acronyms and terms used in the PlayStation mod world

Acronyms and terms used in the PlayStation world.

  • CellOS - The Playstation Operating System (OS)
  • XMB - XrossMediaBar, the Playstation desktop menu system (XrossMediaBar)
  • OFW - Official Firmware, updates to the CellOS operating system issued by Sony
  • CFW - Custom Firmware, like Rogero, what you install when you jailbreak your Playstation
  • PUP - Playstation Update Package, contain the files used to update a PSP or PS3 system (PlayStation Update Package)
  • CEX - A retail PS3 console
  • DEX - A developers PS3 console. It is possible to convert a CEX console to DEX by modification of the flash memory contents. Installing CFW on a CEX doesn't make it a DEX.
  • ODE - Optical Drive Emulator, such as Cobra ODE. ODE is an alternative to CFW.
Last modified on 20 August 2014, at 15:30