Auto Fill Non-Duct Mount Humidifier

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Heating the home during the cold months of the year results in dry air. Dry indoor air can make your home feel uncomfortable causing skin irritation, creating static shock, and damaging home furnishings and woodwork. To maintain an adequate moisture level to the air in your home, a Humidification System is recommended.

A Home HVAC System such as a Forced Air Gas Furnace may be complimented by a Duct Mount Humidifier System. However, duct mount systems are not always desirable. A variety of portable humidifiers exist on the market, all requiring frequent refill of a water tank or equivalent. A void in the market exists for individuals seeking a portable humidifier that can be attached to a water line so that it automatically refills or utilizes a continuous water supply without interruption of the humidifying process.

Possible reasons a duct mount humidifier may not be desirable:

  • such a system is prone to mold growth in the home duct work
  • an individual renting (non-owner) may not wish to install such a unit
  • a home which does not have a centralized heating system.

A void in the marketplace clearly exists for self filling humidifiers which do not mount to the home furnace duct work. Here we list what products we have found that are available, and close approximations or substitutes. These will work independently of the HVAC system.

Aprilaire Models 350/360 Whole-House Humidifiers

These are self contained units which can be mounted in a closet or area and vent out through an opening which requires construction modification of the home. This unit is not portable, as it is designed to be permanently mounted in the home.

Requires connection to hot water line.

  • AVG PRICE: $320

Aprilaire 350- Self Contained Discharge to Register: this unit is mounted between floor joists, probably in a basement, and is to be connected to a duct leading to the level above.

Aprilaire 360- Self Contained Thru the Wall: this unit is a stand alone unit requiring no duct work. Mount in a wall between two rooms, it takes air from one room and circulates through to the other applying humidity.

Atomizing 7 Auto-Fill Humidifier System

Auto-Fill Humidifier. Centrifugal atomizing humidification uses a spinning disk to atomize water. Very fine droplets are blown into the room by a built in fan, where they evaporate to humidify and cool the air. Mount the unit to the wall. Requires a water supply line and a water drain line both.

  • AVG PRICE: $1200 - $2200

C.M.T. Automatic Filling Humidifier-XXL

Self filling valve allows for water line connection. Humidifies up to 2000 cubic ft.

Skuttle 60BC1 Steam Self Contained Humidifier

Steam style humidifier operates on 120 volts. Includes CompuStat style humidistat. Self contained feature allows unit to be placed on floor or wall hung. For use where no ductwork is available.

Connects to the cold water line.

  • AVG PRICE: $1070

Defensor PH15 Auto-fill Evaporative Humidifier

This is a portable unit with an optional water line connection. This product appears to be available only in the U.K. / Europe.

  • AVG PRICE: ?

HumEvap Mobile with autofill & overflow

Another Europe only unit. The HumEvap Mobile can be connected to a water line to refill its tank.

  • AVG PRICE: ?

Trion Centrifugal Atomizer 707U

Trion 356686-101 - Centrifugal Atomizer 707U w/Humidistat is rated 6 gallons per day. Humidifier delivers visible mist that is quickly absorbed by the surrounding air. Includes model 826 humidistat and thru-the-wall mounting hardware. Same as previous trion 707TW model. The 707U is also the same as the previous 707SM but includes humidistat and additional mounting hardware. Part number 356686-001. Electrical: 120v 75 w.

Do-It-Yourself Option

See this Easy Auto Fill Humidifier DIY instructional guide. This may not be practical for many families.

  • AVG PRICE: ?

JS Humidifiers

JS Humidifiers has a portable humidifier and air purifier model that can be connected to a water line. Again, this appears to be available in Europe.

  • AVG PRICE: ?